Chapter 38

My arrival was met by the Quibly Science Brigade and the Quibly Bureau of Conduct.

I was immediately rushed away in an official Quibly transport packed to the gills with fellow Quiblys.

The questions rained on me like the worst crumblstone, Earth's storm, I had ever seen.

The ride ended and I was ushered into the Chancellor's Chambers.

The door had been modified to fit a normal sized Quibly, such as myself, and the room had been cleared all of Chancellor Shrew's personal property.

Once released by the Quibly Science Brigade and pelted with questions by the Quibly Bureau of Conduct, my emotion meter pegged the hardest it ever had.

My door swung open, it was my Mom and Sena.

They were carrying an oval shaped mulder, Earth's cake, with Quibly writing on it that translated to, "Congratulations Chancellor Jenson!"

They smiled extremely wide as our minds synced together to decrease the load of the moment on our mental systems.

I, Jerm Jenson, son of a war hero and future moogler, Earth's husband, of Sena Shrubarb was now the Chancellor of all Quibly kind.

Once my mother and Sena left to go to their chambers in the Chancellor's Hall, a Quibly Bureau of Conduct official asked to speak with me.

More questions or was this all a big mistake?