Petunias threat and Vamar's Promise

Letter from Petunia to Professor Snape

To Snape

Harry is aware of the friendship between his mother and you. But shat I remember is a mean nasty child that try to hurt me when I was Younger. But we both are adult and have grown from those childish moments. I will have no problem snatching him from your class if there is even a hint of mistreatment. I promise you, you don't want to see me on the dueling field. So don't make me leave this home to confront you.

She can't be serious. Headmaster.

She is powerful and skilled. The world has changed and people we use to consider Muggle or Mundane have left us behind with abilities and skill that they have been polishing since 1986.

"Her husband works here would he allow his wife to do this."

"If she decided to rampage at Hogwarts not only would he allow it. He would have popcorn." Dumbledore was amuse by his own word. The image in his mind was horrifying but comical. But he kept his calm grandfatherly appearance when he wanted nothing more than to laugh with tears in his eyes.

"Teachers will be training in the dungeons gathering item and thing that can be used to improve self and class. lead by Vamar and his Guild. Vamar will also be teaching muggle studies. And preparing student to able to live in these dangerous times.

"So I have to put up with this."

"You have to adapt. He is not his father. He doesn't know his father. As far as I have seen He values Vamar as his male parental figure."

"I will try. But I don't know if I can."

Snape held that much hate for James potter. But it conflicted with is overwhelming obsession he of Lily. He was doing what he had to do. But even now that role has almost certainly wasn't needed. He was working on removing the dark mark and strengthening himself. He was working on himself.

"If you can't I will move you into a different teaching position. The Hogwarts is changing at a rapid pace and we can't be left behind. This will be a growing experience for the staff of Hogwarts as well as the students