"Leave Nosy."

 The ringtone has stopped.

  Xu Xiangyang walked out of the office. Not far from the front is the flowerbed, with a thick and tall magnolia planted in the center, with layers of green leaves dripping, and the fragrance of flowers is pleasant.

  Just now, he and the head teacher talked about what he met on the roadside this morning-certainly not including ghosts-the teacher said that he would react with the grade leader and school leaders to remind him to pay more attention during this time.

  To be honest, although Xu Xiangyang is still a student, he also knows that this does not sound like a good solution.

  Even if the head teacher is not perfunctory, it is probably too late to wait for the school to come up with effective measures.

  According to Xu Xiangyang's idea, simply expelling the black sheep is the best way to deal with the students of this school.

  He knew this was not realistic.

  Do you want to call the police? He felt that what he heard was still too vague after all. After returning home, he could discuss it with his sister and see what she said.

  After coming out of the office, he still felt unable to relax. Xu Xiangyang wanted to do everything he could, so as not to regret it.

  But he went around the school, but Lin Xingjie was not found everywhere.

  "Go home?"

  Xu Xiangyang thought, while embarking on his way home.


  Although thinking "Don't go!" in his mind, Xu Xiangyang's legs and feet didn't follow his instructions at all, and Xu Xiangyang once again came to the old abandoned street house.

  He looked at the building. The windows on the second floor were empty and completely dark. He did not see the old man without eyes again. What happened this morning once again came to mind, vividly, and he couldn't help but shiver.

  It was curiosity that overwhelmed fear just now, but when he really walked here, the alarm bell sounded in his heart, and he was so afraid that he could barely breathe.

  "Let's go..."

  He muttered, and walked forward stiffly, then suddenly stopped.

  Xu Xiangyang opened his eyes wide and looked at the meadow in front of the abandoned house, where several schoolbags were lying quietly.

  Someone went in?

  He swallowed, gathered the courage to get close to the wall, and squatted there for a while.

  One of the schoolbags is a bit familiar, as if you can see it during class...

  Is it Lin Xingjie? What is she doing here?

  At this moment, Xu Xiangyang's mind flashed. The conversation he heard in the morning and the rumors he heard before were all connected.

  Is it possible that the purpose of those guys is her?

  Xu Xiangyang smacked his lips. A familiar irritability and depression rushed to his heart, drove him to stand up, and he was about to reach the threshold of entry.

  However, after a while, he found himself squatting still on the spot.

  The head of Xu Xiangyang's mind was frozen, and he couldn't move his legs.

  He dare not.

  That black, lifeless, old face seemed to be dangling in front of his eyes, the cold impression lingering.

  If it's just a group of gangsters, he can muster the courage, at least he can call the police, but, but, in this room, there is clearly something else hidden in the house——

  Is that really the case? Calm down and think, could it be that you think wrong? Lin Xingjie was originally the girlfriend of the leading boy, do they still need to do such a thing? It is even possible that Lin Xingjie is the accomplice.

  Of course, considering that this place is really weird, maybe he should remind them that it would be better to leave as soon as possible... But after all, why should he care about the life and death of this group of people?

  This is not the same as seeing death without saving: whether it's a "haunted house" or a "ghost", it is not in line with common sense. I really want to go in, and may still be treated as a troublemaker.

  Most importantly, it is very likely to be entangled in strange things! Some of the ghosts in the horror stories he has heard can be dealt with, some can't be dealt with, but the safest way is to stay away from them as much as possible!

  No one will blame themselves for this, why bother asking for trouble?

  That day, the girl's voice came to his mind clearly again.


  In fact, after that afternoon self-study, something else happened, something that really brought the relationship between the two to a freezing point and was irreparable:

  The incident occurred during the exam. During the lunch break, the students were studying in the classroom, and Xu Xiangyang went out for a stroll and relaxed.

  There were one or two classmates holding books in the shade of the playground. He walked all the way to the gate of the school. There was no one beside the spacious pool, except for the occasional noise of vehicles passing by. Even the security guard is not there, maybe it's lazy somewhere.

  Then Xu Xiangyang noticed several figures shaking near the school gate.

  He approached and found that one of them was Lin Xingjie. Opposite her stood a few young men. They didn't wear school uniforms. They couldn't see if they were students. They were all evil or hippie smiles. No matter how they looked at them, they were unkind ; The girl was on guard, and the things she held in her hands were shining in the sun. Although the scene seemed to be downwind, she didn't mean to shrink at all.

  You can tell what happened at the first sight of this scene. Xu Xiangyang almost didn't think about anything, and immediately shouted:

  "Hey, what are you guys doing?!"

  Several people crowded around the school gate turned their heads.

  The men who surrounded Lin Xingjie dispersed a little, did not leave immediately, obviously there was a plan.

  Without hesitation, Xu Xiangyang ran towards the nearest teaching building and went to the office to ask the teacher for help.

  When the security department and a few teachers arrived, the group of guys had already left, leaving Lin Xingjie standing alone under the eaves and was called back by the head teacher.

  That afternoon, after the exam was over, Lin Xingjie, who had come out of the office, walked into the classroom. Everyone else stared at her in surprise, while the girl turned a blind eye to her seat, picked up her schoolbag and was about to leave.

  Xu Xiangyang noticed the gauze she had on her arms after she rolled up her sleeves, and the bruises on the side of her cheeks that hadn't faded, and he frowned.

  He thought of the embarrassment between him and this girl a few days ago, and he hesitated. But he felt that he had helped the other party this time, and he should be fine to express his concern...So he couldn't help but ask:

  "Are you OK?"

  Lin Xingjie carried the schoolbag behind her back with one hand and strode towards the door, quite chic. After hearing this, she stopped and turned her face to stare at him. The girl's eyes were blocked by the black long straight hair that fell down, and she couldn't see the emotions in her pupils. She only heard her say:

  "From now on, stop being nosy."

  After dropping this sentence, Lin Xingjie turned and left. Xu Xiangyang, who was left in place, blushed for a while, only to feel that the eyes of the students around him looking at him were prickly like needles.


  One week later, the results of the mid-term exam will be released. Xu Xiangyang's efforts have finally paid off. As a transfer student, not only quickly kept up with the learning process, but also took the second place in the school in this exam. Naturally, he was called on stage to praise by the head teacher.

  He stood alone on the stage, listening to the class teacher under the stage using himself as an example to encourage others, but on occasions that should have been happy, he began to walk away from God.

  Under the podium, Lin Xingjie's seat was empty.

  He only heard afterwards that Lin Xingjie had been called for punishment during that class. She didn't even take the mid-term exams, instead she was fighting with people outside the school. This is a natural end.

  "Just leave it alone"...

  Yeah, don't care about it?

  There were countless chaotic thoughts in Xu Xiangyang's mind. When he came back to his senses, he was surprised to find that he had already reached the door for some time.

  Indeed, no one else knows about this house.

  But Xu Xiangyang couldn't lie to himself.

  Thinking of that girl's affairs made him feel even more frank about himself

  I don't want to worry about anyone's nosy, he thought, just want to do the right things that will not make me regret in the future.

  Just like at the school gate, he would not hesitate to speak and stop, even if he did it again, he would still make the same choice.

  I was ridiculed indifferently, thinking that I was kindly treated as a donkey liver and lungs, I felt that I was a hot face with a cold buttocks, so should I give up my own practice? This will seem to be overly concerned about others.

  He raised his head and saw that there was still no one behind the window on the second floor, and he felt a little relieved. After taking a deep breath, the young man desperately calmed down pressed his hand on the door and pushed it inward...

  ...Huh, can't push it?

  Xu Xiangyang opened his eyes incredibly.

  It can be seen from the outside that the lock on this door is obviously broken, and there is a big hole on the inside, which must not be closed!

  He tried to pull again, but the door remained motionless, as if it had been integrated with the whole house.

  Xu Xiangyang retracted his hand and found that his palm was covered with sticky sweat.

  This is not normal...

  He stepped back, standing in front of the wall, watching the three-story building in front of him, his hands and feet trembling uncontrollably.

  There was no wind, and everything around was quiet, but Xu Xiangyang felt an unstoppable chill spread from the soles of his feet.

  In the eyes of a young man, this old house standing quietly is like a monster crouching on the side of the road. It will open its big mouth at any time and place, and will lure people to chew and swallow it into a dark bottomless hole. Belly.

  Xu Xiangyang's inner courage almost disappeared in an instant, and his body turned back uncontrollably.

  Should we find someone?

  But at this moment--


  He heard shouts from inside the house.

  The cry of more than one person, full of anger or panic.

  He put the foot he had just lifted down again, turning his head to look at the locked wooden door.

  The panic shout stopped abruptly, as if the radio had pressed the pause button and disappeared unnaturally halfway, as if it had been swallowed by something.

  He instinctively realized that this was what the house did—it seemed to have self-consciousness, letting the sound disappear inside of him, and he didn't want anyone to notice.

  Xu Xiangyang was silent.

  There are not many people in this street on weekdays. When he really finds someone over, I'm afraid he will...

  He scratched his hair, scratched his cheek, and gritted his teeth.

  Then he threw his schoolbag aside and took a few steps back.

  Xu Xiangyang glanced at the second floor last. I don't know if it was his own illusion, it seemed that there was some kind of dim shadow flashing away, but he had no thoughts to think about it.

  Striding forward, the wind whizzed through my ears, my heart throbbed, blood surged, and the sound of distant drums came from my ears.

  He kicked the door, then hit it again with his shoulder.

  "Open... Open it !"