A New Life

Two weeks passed and it was Christmas Eve. My sister and I were playing the video games we used to always play as kids such as: Pokemon Snap, Super Smash Bros Melee, Donkey Kong Country, Spyro, and Crash Bandicoot. We had a lot of fun hanging out and Tomoka started to drift off to sleep. I set down my controller and let Tomoka sleep with her head on my lap. I looked at her and smiled softly then closed my eyes. I soon drifted off to sleep as well. The very next day, I heard running down the hall then my door swung open.

"It's Christmas!!" My mom yelled.

Tomoka flew from my lap and crashed backwards and I sat up quickly hit my head on the table and fell over to my side. We both groaned and mom laughed happily.

"Come on! Get up! Let's go downstairs!" Mom said then jogged her way downstairs.

"My head.." I softly groaned.

About 15 minutes later, after we both recovered from our traumatizing injuries, we headed downstairs and saw a buttload of presents and our jaws dropped.

"H-How..all of these presents.." I said.

"Now that's a lot of gifts.." Tomoka giggled.

We ran to the couch and Dad began to distributing presents one by one. We waited until all of the presents were distributed before savagely ripping them open with excitement. Tomoka got her first gift opened first then covered her mouth. I looked over at her and gasped.

"Our old..pictures.." Tomoka choked on her words and teared up. "I thought they got lost in the fire back at home.."

"Your old man managed to get them out on time. I know how much those pictures meant to you and your sister." Dad smiled.

Tomoka's hand shook as she picked up a picture of us on a Picnic on Mom's birthday. Tomoka was 6 and I was 3 at that time. It was a perfect day for a picnic on her birthday. I pointed at another picture of us on our first Christmas together. Tomoka sniffed and laughed a bit. I got my present open and froze.

"This..." I started.

"This is the necklace your sister asked me to get you..with your first letter and her first letter." Mom smiled.

"It's so beautiful..and..with our fused gemstones.." I looked at Tomoka and hugged her.

Tomoka hugged back and smiled. Dad and Mom smiled happily then opened their presents.

"A poster saying stop smoking in the house..I can only imagine who got me this." Dad chuckled.

"Well you never learn the first thousand times." I giggled.

"And I have a poster of my very first runway.." Mom looked at the poster happily.

"I wouldn't have even attempted modelling if it weren't for you and your guidance." Tomoka smiled.

"Awe, you flatter me." Mom blushed.

We began to open the rest of our presents and spent time together eating desserts for breakfast. Mom then got up and went to prepare Christmas Dinner. Tomoka and I walked outside and shared our favorite scarf.

"I feel like we are kids again.." Tomoka smiled.

"I agree..I haven't smiled this much since the day you announced you were coming to town for a show." I said.

"I can imagine. I'm glad to be here for these little moments we share.." Tomoka said.

"I'm glad you are here too..you were the very person I looked up to..the person who made me happiest the most. I love you a lot." I said.

"Awe don't get sappy with me now." Tomoka giggled. "I love you too."

As we took a stroll around, I got hit in the face with a snowball. The snow rolled off my face and there was Aaron standing in front of us.

"Heh, heh, heh! Thought you could escape me?" Aaron smiled.

"Ahh, Aaron has grown bigger." Tomoka said.

"And annoying..." I said then crouched down and made a snowball. I proceeded to chuck it at Aaron's face and he fell over.

"No wonder the boys were scared of you when you played dodgeball..." Tomoka said.

"Fufufu! He shouldn't have-NNGH!!" Another snowball hit me in my face and I fell over.

"Getting smug? When will you learn, my little pogchamp?" Aaron laughed.

I blushed so hard that I could feel the heat radiating from my face. Tomoka covered her mouth and tried not to laugh. I stood up and puffed my cheek and thumped my foot on the ground, at a lost for words.

"I just came over to tell you mom would be bringing some food over as well." Aaron laughed.

"Why couldn't you be a normal person and say that?!" I said.

"I couldn't resist the urge of throwing a snowball at yo-AHH!" Aaron was hit by a snowball.

"Never let your guard down!" Tomoka laughed.

"That was a good hit there Tomoka, but your efforts are futile!" Aaron said.

"As two time destroyer of the Uno World, your power will never reach mine, Aaron!" Tomoka said.

"Uh..y-yeah!" I said. I didn't know how to roleplay as good as everyone else, I mostly tagged along for the ride.

"Well get ready for my technique!" Aaron said and we entered a fantasy battlefield.

Tomoka was wearing a battle dress and her scarf flowed in the wind and Aaron wore a battle cloak. I had on light armor.

"Early game activation? You plan on ending this quickly huh? Show me what you got!" Tomoka said.

"Special ability: Maximize Shot!" Aaron got a snowball and it grew in size. He threw it towards us.

"Hmph! Shadeum Phorcar!" Tomoka's aura surged then she palmed the snowball and it exploded and powerful winds blew.

"Hmph you're powerful. Over these last few years, you have been training hm?" Aaron said.

"I will never be defeated by the likes of you." Tomoka said.

"Well, ta-" Before he could finish I threw a snowball at his face and laughed.

"Fufufufufu! Your guard was down!" I laughed and grunted as a snowball hit my face.

We all began to just throw snowballs at each other for fun. Later that night, we were at my parents house. We just ate our Christmas dinner and our parents were talking.

"Risa, wanna take a stroll outside?" Aaron asked.

I looked up at Aaron then my sister. She egged me on to go with him. I nodded then smiled and looked at him.

"Yeah.." I stood up.

We both walked to the front and put on our shoes and walked outside. We walked around, and I enjoyed the sound of the snow crunching beneath my feet. I blushed and Aaron smiled and looked at me.

"Today was fun..the most fun I've had in a long time." Aaron said.

"Yeah..I had a lot of fun also. Moments like these are important to me.. I wish they would never end.." I said.

"I totally agree." Aaron said. We got a bit closer together.

My heart started to pound harder and I blushed more. I began to get more shy and conserved. Aaron pat my head and chuckled.

"I can feel you getting shy there." He teased.

"I-I'm not shy at all!" I puffed my cheeks.

"Yes you are." He smiled.

"No I'm not!" I said.

The wind blew hard and my necklace snapped off my neck into the road. I looked around panicked then saw it in the street. I looked both ways and there was no vehicle coming. I went into the street and picked up my necklace then heard a car horn honk before the car hit me.

"Risa!!" Aaron ran to me.

I rolled on my side after behind hit and blood came rushing from my head. Aaron held me I'm his arms.

"Risa.." Aaron looked worried.

"Aaron.." I started and held his cheek and smiled weakly.

"Risa, relax..I called an ambulance and informed your parents! Everything will be okay!" Aaron was extremely worried and sniffled.

"Christmas has been so much fun with you..and everyone.." I said and smiled.

"Risa please stop talking, save your energy!" Aaron said.

"I want to tell you something.. important.." I said and looked into his saddened, green eyes. "I want to say..that I love you...so much.."

"Risa.." His body shook and he held me closely.

The last thing I remember on that day..was the sound of the ambulance and Aaron telling me it was gonna be okay..after that...I blacked out...I couldn't feel anything else..it felt like I died..

"NO!" I sat up in a bed and panted fast. I looked around and I was in a room. I placed my hand on my chest and was surprised. "What the.."

I squeezed my breast and ran to the closest mirror then let out a scream. The people in the palace barged into my room.

"Your Highness! Is there an enemy in here?!" A knight said then looked at me and blushed.

I looked at the Knight and blushed madly and looked embarrassed.

"Get out!!" I picked up the closest item and threw it at him.

"My apologies!" The Knight ran out the room and closed the door.

What the hell happened to me..? Where am I? My appearance..everything changed about me..I look more mature and...sexy. I was just 17 yesterday! Now I'm 23 years old, in a palace! That knight called me Your Highness..wait..I put on the clothes that were laid out for me already and walked out the room and down the hall.

"Queen Stella! You overslept! The Kingdom of Lunia awaits your speech and official alliance with the Kingdom of Uphelia!" A woman said to me.

"What..?" I said.

"Did you forget? You are forming an alliance with King Zephyr. Today! We need to get you ready!" The woman said.

"Whoa whoa. First of all, who are you and second, what day is it?" I said.

"I am your Main Helper, Lady Victoria II. Today's date is January 3, 2X67. You are the ruler of the Kingdom of Lunia..we are known for the spreading of darkness around the land and being undefeated, Your Highness. Ring a bell?" Victoria said.

I looked like I lost my soul. I did die and I reincarnated..into a sexy and malicious Dark Queen! I did not know how to be a queen let alone rule a kingdom! I didn't know the way of Royal Speech, I'm but a simple Farm Girl...well not anymore...now I am a Queen..I guess it's time to start learning how to be a Queen..a Dark Queen at that. This here is the start of my new life.