What Really Happened to Kielazar?

I went to go free Kielazar from his cell. I walked right in front of his cell and unlocked the door and opened the door. After I got the door open he went straight for an attack. I blocked his strike and tossed him against the wall and placed my hand on the wall and looked at him.

"You're under my roof..so you follow my rules.." I said.

"I can't fully trust you even though I know Zephyr is my enemy..you are as much of a demon as he is." Kielazar said.

"That is true..I am a demon...but I made a promise to Miyuna to not harm you, betray you, or mistreat you...in fact I'm glad I did..because you look cuter in person.." I looked him in the eyes and smirked.

'This succubus...no Kielazar...she is a witch..! Do not fall into her traps..! But she's so beautiful is hard not to..!' He thought to himself.

"Why are you sweating? I'm only just teasing." I stepped away from him and walked off. "Come I want to talk to you."

Kielazar hesitantly followed me to the broadcast room. He blushed softly as he did. I walked into the room and sat in my seat and turned on the mic. Kielazar sat down in the designated seat in front of me. I crossed my legs and turned the mics back on.

"Alright my people, we are back with more Royal Talk Events. Now we have Kielazar with us. Whatever hatred you may have for him, set that aside as he is now an ally." I said. "Is there anything you want to say Kielazar?"

"There is nothing about myself I can say that your people already don't know. But I guess I'll share a bit more from my past.." He said.

I leaned forward and listened. Everyone in the kingdom listened with open ears.

"I used to be a resident of Maanga..born and raised. I grew up without parents and was adopted by Gabriela. Maanga and Uphelia already had issues going on with each other so immediately we weren't in a good spot..The first raid of Holy Order members struck Maanga..Gabriela managed to defeat them all with ease. Afterwards she began to teach me her fighting style. The Royal Maanga Techniques. As her Successor, I perfected her style of battling but my limit is sadly four blades to her six blades. I still have much learning to do. Three weeks after the first wave of Holy Order showed up, a second wave appeared and in this wave they were all armed with fake Lunar Arms.." Kielazar continued to explain.

That peaked my interests. The Holy Order were equipped with fake Lunar Arms. Zephyr actually took the time to make fake Lunar Arms for his army.

"There was this one knight Zephyr sent out named Hisui, was probably one of the most powerful knights I've ever faced..I didn't fight to kill, I only fought to protect..it was a long and bloody battle. He wasn't the one who killed my mother though..it was another knight..one knight I will forever hate..her name is Vern." Kielazar said.

Victoria paused and looked up. I looked at him and leaned closer, interested in this Vern person. Kielazar closed his eyes.

"Her ability is Unleashed Divinity...and she had an actual Lunar Arms called Meirith Pearl. It is a blade made out of nevermelting ice. She is known across Arcania as Absolute Zero..and I think the one who knows her personally is Victoria. Vern is the one who killed my mother...minutes after she did kill my mother, Zephyr came and kidnapped me. I had no choice but to abide by his command..he turned me into a puppet and a human enhancement..the only way I could be freed is if I was defeated in battle. He spent time making me into an unstoppable force...I spent 4 years a puppet..I am now 21 years old.." Kielazar said.

The people were silent to hear Kielazar say all of that. I was even surprised Zephyr would go to such extents for all this. Kielazar opened his eyes and looked at me.

"I have my reasons on why I want to destroy Uphelia...but I am not ready for war against Uphelia...as long as there is someone there making exact replicas of Lunar Arms, they will keep gaining the same boosts as you all.." Kielazar said.

"I see. Do you know the mechanic who makes them?" I asked.

"Yes. A young girl named Elulu. She is the Successor of her father. She is only 15 years old. She is the most innocent thing I've seen..she doesn't even know who she's making those weapons for..she just gets commanded around. She doesn't mind since invention is what she does..it's her hobby and happily getting paid for it." Kielazar answered.

"I see she will make a good asset to our army, and Gazia may need some extra hands when it comes to Lunar Arms." I said.

"Wait you're thinking of invading Uphelia?" Kielazar asked.

"I'll only make a little noise there since he's done the same with me a few years ago. An eye for an eye around here. Plus don't you want your chances to prove your loyalty to your true allies? At the time of the Maanga attack, before I became Queen, The Holy Order already organized a strike against my kingdom. I still haven't thanked him for his welcome party." I said.

"I don't know..I no longer have a weapon to use..I don't think I would be much help." Kielazar said.

I turned the mics off and got up then walked to Kielazar and signalled him to follow me. I walked out the room and he followed. I led him to the vault room and grabbed a sword off the wall. He looked shocked and looked at me.

"My army found this in the remains of Maanga. The very sword Gabriela used, Luna Rhapsody. I'm sure keeping this was a good idea, plus to honor her I made no enhancements to it. It is still pure." I said. I handed the sword to Kielazar.

"I.." He started. "I don't know what to say...maybe you aren't a witch after all."

I gave an annoyed smile and pulled his ear and he yelped.

"My elven ear..!" He said.

"Wanna repeat what you just said..?" I asked.

"N-No! I do not!" He said quickly.

"Good. Oh yeah I have a special guest coming to join the army. You might know her well." I said, letting go of his ear and walking off.

"Who?" He followed, rubbing his ear.

"Adriesta. Your aunt." I stopped and looked at him.

"A-Aunt Adriesta..?!" He said in complete surprise. "How did you even convince her to join?!"

"I have my ways." I smiled and walked off.