Take A Chill Pill, People!

Alaina's POV:

Fridays. Honestly speaking, they used to be my favorite days as a child. But then again which child doesn't feel energetic and relieved beyond comparison as soon as a new Friday rolls in. 

I think it should be made into an international freedom day all around the globe. Because it makes you feel just that, so free! Even though it is just for two days but still it serves as a silver lining throughout a horribly taxing school week and keep us motivated to keep going because we are reaching towards the end of the tunnel that shines bright and that is a Friday, people! Because Friday brings upon, Holidays!!!

And I still feel rejuvenated after a weekend spent well, even as I have grown into a young adult now.

However, I can't really say the same about this Friday as I am living it right now.