He'd Definitely Tattletale On Them

Third Person's POV:

Alaina watched Aria leave her behind to walk away with a flaring nose and muttering something under her breath, all the while shaking her head.

She wanted to laugh looking at her friend so mad at her for something as silly as a lack of knowledge about where the homecoming party was being held.

But then again, Aria took these things just as seriously as a mother would with her baby's ABCs; the B should always come before the C! It's just that the child correctly learning its ABCs is Actually an important thing. Whereas, to Alaina, Aria acted as if she said Kanye West is America's current president.

  Alaina whilst chuckling, jogged all the way to catch up with her friend who just dramatically wanted to saunter off looking really mad without really realizing that she was going in the opposite direction to where they were headed.