I Blame You

"Alright well, it was nothing big anyway." Alaina casually flicked her hand in the air to undermine any importance of the class he missed. 

"There's soon going to be games held in our town with the other neighboring ones. We get to host it If we win the upcoming event which includes plays and acting and what not. As I said, the class was nothing important." She carefully ditched telling him the part where she has to perform for Ivar's grades and he has to for hers.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound important at all." Leo smiled at her. Suddenly he looked less distracted and Alaina appreciated the uplift of his lips.

He was here and he looked somewhat back to being himself, maybe this is the time she should break the good news. Leo's been wanting to show her something; for so long he's been talking about taking her for lunch and a day out for just some fun and to this secret special place he wanted to go.