We Just Killed Someone!

Ivar pulled the breaks even after they have completely ran over whatever it was that came out to the road. The car screeched to a sudden halt from a 200 speed, naturally causing Alaina to jerk forward with a hugely powerful force. 

Thankfully she was saved from bumping her head dangerously onto the dashboard or worse, flying out the window; all because of the seatbelt Ivar have her put on with a glare every time they sit in his car. Ivar himself was of course not wearing any seatbelts yet irritatingly remained gracefully in his seat like his back was glued to the seat with super glue while Alaina unceremoniously had all of her hair now on her face.

But for the first time, it mattered little to Alaina, she was too busy freaking out over the fact that they just ran ran over somebody.