My Theatrical Capabilities

As she walked around looking around the corridors asking around to anyone who might have seen him or know where he is and coming up empty handed. Alaina almost gave up the idea of finding him on time to take him back. She was totally flunking her English this semester. 

It was times like these when she regretted having deleted his number from her phone. She shouldn't have been more mature about it. It wasn't like deleting him from his phone would miraculously delete him from her life. 

The truth is, he is very much stuck in her life like a thorn on her side, the sucker aint going anywhere. What she needs to do is learn how to co exist with him because she has no other options.

Alaina turns a corner to a random corridor that had barely anyone walking in it, of a building she didn't even know was in what block of which side of the campus. Seemed like in her quest to find Ivar she lost herself, quite literally.