S2 Chapter 1

It's the day after the fight. Schools closed today, probably to give us a break. I decided to text the girls who gave me their numbers, just to make sure they were doing okay. I also got some of the guys' numbers from the girls and got the rest from them. Eventually, I texted everyone. They were all mostly fine, though some of them were still recuperating.

While it wasn't the worst fight I got into, it was still the biggest. Most of the students hadn't ever been in a real battle before. I understand what they must be going through. My first battle didn't go as smoothly as this one did.

I spent most of the day outside training. I also went patrolling (Shh. Don't tell anyone) and caught some burglars from back alleys.

*Some habits can't be broken.*

The rest of the day I spent with my uncles. They were worried, not because of the fight, but because I would eat all the food in the fridge. I get bored very easily, and when I get bored, I eat. I don't get hungry, I get bored...speaking of that.

*Welp, I'm bored. I'm gonna grab a full course meal- I mean a snack *cough* yep a nice, healthy snack from the kitchen.*

"Uncle Joseph! Do we have any more donuts?" I yell

"No! You ate them all for breakfast. Stop eating!" Uncle Noel yelled back

"I didn't ask you!" I yell

"Go outside! It's a great day for a nice walk," said Uncle Joseph

"Ugh…" I sigh. *This is gonna be a long day.*


*WooHoo!! Back in school! This is the first time I've ever been happy to be in school. Social interaction!*




*Okay. I'm over it now.*

While the rest of the class was talking about being on the news. I wondered if they recognized me. As soon as I thought this, I overheard people talk about me.

"Were totally big deals," said Denki "Those news channels love us. Were basically celebrities."

"Yeah, it's kinda crazy right?" said Kirishima

"Well, they seemed to care more about Rose than any of us," said Sero

"They just wanted to know why a 'pro' like her would be at UA, right Rose?" asked Kirishima as he bumps me on the shoulder.

"A pro?" I ask while rubbing my shoulder *Dude, that kinda hurt* "I'm no better at being a Hero than any of you guys. I guess I have more experience, but that's it. I wouldn't call myself a 'pro'."

"Still, you've saved so many people already," said Kirishima. *Sorry bout your shoulder.*

"They also say that having real-life experience is better than sitting in a class and reading from a book," said Jiro

"Er...Thanks...I guess." I said awkwardly

*I do not like all this attention. Also, who's they?*

"You may have more experience. But I'll still beat you!" Yelled Bakugo

*Er...beat me at what?*

"Umm… Okay…" I reply hesitantly

Iida suddenly walks in at full speed, marching boy style. I chuckle to myself. It's really funny to watch.

"Attention!" yelled Iida "Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats."

"Uh, we're all sitting," said Kirishima

"Yeah, you're the only one standing," said Sero

A mummy- I mean an Aizawa walks into the classroom.

"Morning, class," the mummy said

Students: 'Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here?"

*Oh, they're doing that again? Well, time to zone out…*

I hear the last bit of what Aizawa said: "...fight isn't over yet."

"Our fight?" asked Bakugo

"Don't tell me…" said Midoriya

"Not more bad guys!" said a wobbly Mineta

Mr. Aizawa gives us a serious look and says "The UA Sports Festival is about to start."

*The what? Is that bad?*

Everyone: "Ugh! Why would you scare us like that?"

"Let's go kick some (Peaches)!" Yelled Kirishima

I raise my hand.

"Yes, Ray?" asked Mr.Aizawa

"What's the UA Sports Festival?" I ask

"You don't know what it is? How?" asked Denki

I hear everyone mutter to themselves.

"I dunno" I reply with a shrug

"The festival is a bunch of games held to show Pro Heros what you're capable of. If you're lucky then you could get recruited to be their intern. This is also going to be broadcasted to the world and there will be a big audience watching." said Mr. Aizawa

"Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" asked Jiro

"They could attack once were all in the same place," said Ojiro

*Why is it even held in the first place then?*

"Apparently, the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever." said Mr. Aizawa "Plus, they're beefing up security compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains."

I kinda go into my own little world at this point and ignore the rest.

*Why would they broadcast our quirks to the whole world like this? Don't they know that any villains could be watching? No, they will definitely be watching. If I have to do this, I will just use my RedWings during the festival and only use RedString in emergencies. I also have to be careful about overusing my quirk and showing any weaknesses.*


While the other students talk about the sports festival, I wonder what I'm having for lunch. I feel a sudden dark aura coming from...Uraraka?

"Deku! Iida! Let's do our best in the sports festival" she says

"Uraraka, what happened to your face?" asked Midoriya

"Seriously, what's up?" asked Mina "You're normally, like, the most laid back girl ever. Well other than Rose, but she's too laid back."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean?" I ask, offended

"It's just that while we're all freaking out about the festival, you act like you don't have a care in the world," she replies

"Yeah, do you know something we don't?" asked Midorya

*Great now everyone's looking at me.*

"It's not that. I would rather just think about it later than now," I reply

"Wow. talk about procrastination on another level," said Asui

"It's never failed me before," I said with a shrug

"Everyone! I'm gonna do my best!" Yelled Uraraka

Everyone: "Yeah!"

"I said, I'm gonna do my best!" She yelled again

Everyone: "Got it…" "You okay? You kinda look like your losing it."

*Well then... I'm gonna go get lunch.*

I bump into All Might while walking to the cafeteria.

"Hello, Rose. I actually wanted to ask you about something." said All Might

"Oh. Congrats?" I said, confused

"Hahaha. Good joke." He said while laughing What joke? "Anyways, Have you told anyone about our secret?"

"What secret?" I ask

"You know, the one you promised not to tell." He said

"The one I promised not to tell...let me think." I said, "there was that time I threw up on a rollercoaster and the vomit flew at the people behind me and no one knew it was me, do you mean that one?" I ask


"What about the one where I was flying high in the sky and had to pee. But I couldn't find a restroom in time so...but luckily it rained and I was drenched with rainwater so no one found out."

"Uh...I think these are YOUR secrets"

"What about the time I-"

"I mean the one about my powers." he interrupts

"Oh! That one." I said "Nope. I forgot about that, actually."

"How do you forget something like that?" he asked

"It's not that hard, actually." I reply "Don't worry. It's not my place to tell anyone your secrets. But one of these days, there will come a time when the world will notice that their number 1 hero is losing his quirk."

"Yeah, but by then, hopefully, Midoriya will have taken my place," he said

"Really? Cause, that's a lot of pressure for a high school student," I ask

"I...I'm sure he'll understand," he said

"Either way, I'll try to help Midoriya any way I can," I said

He looks at me with gratitude "thank you"

"Since I answered your question, will you answer mine?" I ask

"What is it?" he asked

I hesitate before answering "Why did you stop me from killing that villain during the fight?"

"I didn't want to burden you with the guilt of killing someone." He replies

*Why does everyone care about each other here?*

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm used to it. Can't be a hero without carrying some guilt" I said

"Well, as long as I am here. I will protect you from any more guilt." He promised

"Sure. Thank you" I said

"Good. Now go get some food," he said while turning into his other form.

"Where are you going?" I ask

"To talk to Midoriya," he replied

"Okay. Later" I said walking towards the cafeteria