S2 Chapter 10

During lunch, I don't pay attention to my surroundings. I think the people at the table were talking about the test. Then some egghead bumped into Midoriya who bumped into me. "Sorry, Rose" Midoriya apologized. I almost spilled my food. I look up at Egghead "Watch where you're going" I said and went back to my food. He started talking but all I heard was " Br Br br br br Br Br BR BR BR" (What the adults in Charlie Brown sound like)

After I got back to class I fell asleep. Something you should know about me: 1. I am not a morning person. 2. If you wake me up, you wake up the beast.

I heard yelling and I rose from my nap. "SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!" I yell "CAN'T I GET SOME REST?!"

"I'll kill you too, while I'm at it, Faker!" Bakugo yelled at me

"NOT BEFORE I KILL YOU! NOW SHUT IT!" I fell back asleep

The days before the exams I spent reading Momo's notes. Midoriya, Iida, and Shoto gave me theirs as well. I wanted to give them notes as well but I didn't really take any.

The exams were easy. I went a bit overboard with the books and knew every answer on every test. Next up was the practical.

"Now then… let's begin the last test" Mr.Aizawa said "remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you want to go to camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes."

"Uh, why are all the teachers here?" Jiro asked

"I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be facing with today" *Nope. Not at all.*

"Were fighting those big ol' metal robots!" Denki yelled

*That would be too easy, wouldn't it though?*

Nezu popped out of Mr.Aizawa's scarf. *Ratman!*

*Did Mr.Aizawa know Nezu was in his scarf? Wasn't it stuffy in there? How does he get his coat so soft? What's his secret?* I ignored what Nezu said and thought about the chicken from that one joke. Like, how did someone come up with that joke? Were they just watching a chicken cross the road and thought it was funny? Where are they now? Did the chicken ever cross the road? The never ending questions...

"Rose, you will be on your own fighting against me," Nezu said

"...okay…" I said, confused. *What did I agree to?*


The teachers of UA were having a meeting about the final exam.

"I understand why you want to change the exam, but having students fight us?" Cementoss said "Even if they're in teams of two, is that a good idea?

"Yeah, I think it's a bit unfair." Thirteen agreed

"If we win too easily, we won't be able to give them actual grades, yo," President Mic said

"Of course, we would take that into consideration and give the students an advantage" Snipe said

"Principal, what are you thinking?" Eraser head asked

"I believe I agree. We need to change the practical exam to reflect the current times" Nezu replied "How do we ensure the students aren't put in life-threatening situations? That answer is simple. We must push them. We make sure that they're as strong as possible.

"That makes sense," said Midnight

"I agree," said Thirteen

"Right, then let's talk about the teams." Eraser head said

"Before we get into that. I have to tell you all that I will be testing Rose Flor on her own myself" Nezu said

"Is there a reason for that?" Midnight asked

"I just want to make sure she is able to become the best Hero she can be, both physically and mentally" Nezu replied

"Okay then, your the boss," said President Mic

*I just hope that she'll pass.*


I'll be going up against Nezu last. The teachers give us all tips and tell us the rules about the exam.

For the first matches, I stayed with Recovery Girl and watched the matches while eating popcorn. It was very entertaining, especially the fight with All Might. Then it was my turn.

Nezu had decided to make a maze, the same as to where Mina and Denki were. "You may only fly into the air for 15 seconds 2 times" Nezu explained "We'll also play the same game as we did in the jail"

"Okidoki" I agreed as I enter the maze

Nezu begins with "have you ever killed before?"

I answer "There was that mosquito yesterday. Does that count?" Trying to dodge the question.

Nezu "Nope. I mean people."

I hesitate before answering "yes."

He replies with "okay, now your turn."

"Which way do I go to get to the finish line faster?" I ask

He replies with "Left. How many have you killed?"

"Eight. Which way do I go now?"

"Right. Do you regret killing any of them?"

"Yes. Which way now?" I ask

"Right. Were they all villains?"

"No. Which way?"

"Left. Did that person deserve it?"

"No. Now?"

"Left. Was that person your friend who wanted to go to UA?" He asked

I stop in my tracks. "...Yes. Why are you asking me these questions?"

"I need to know if you're fit to be a Hero."

"I warned you at the jail." I remind him

"you did, but remember what I said? You've gotta let go of the past." he said, "By the way, It's your turn."

"Which way now?"

"Right. Did you think you were helping her at the time?"

"Yes. Which way?"

"Right. Are you over her death?"

Tears start to fall to the ground "...No, I don't think so. Do I have permission to use my wings now?"

"Yes. Do you think you are starting to get over her? And if not, can you?"

I fly into the air and memorized the whole maze. "I think that I'm slowly starting to, though don't know whether I will ever fully be over her, but I sure will give it my all." I fall back towards the ground and runs to the finish line "What would you have done if I said I couldn't get over her? Or if I didn't regret any of the deaths?"

"You would be kicked out of UA and sent home." He replied back with no hesitation

"No Jail?"


"Darn, lost my only escape" I get to the gate but before I go through I ask "Have any more questions before I cross the finish line?"

"Nope. You pass." and I cross the line.

I make it back to where the rest of the class was.

"Rose! How are you?" "Did you pass?" "Your test was so easy!" "No fair!" The last 2 comments were from Denki and Mina

"I'm fine. And it was actually kind of hard" I admitted

"Yeah? We, kind of, saw you cry a bit on camera" Uraraka said

*I forgot there were cameras!*

I faced Uraraka "I'm fine. Thanks for worrying, though"