S3 Chapter 1

You would think that an underground hero would have no time to be playing at the pool and you would be right except the author wanted me to be more social. As a hero, I should learn how to get along with my future coworkers.

Ever since I was a wee lad, I had only ever had two friends who unfortunately aren't with us anymore. I am friendless. But for the sake of my hero career, I should at least pretend, right?

The guys were at the pool too. They said that they were doing endurance training. *I should train with them. I am usually doing my usual patrols and I don't really feel comfortable being here.*

I look over at the guys and see Mineta. I saw him staring at us. I glared daggers at him. He saw me looking over at him and waved. I shot the Tweety Bird at him. I then got a better view of the guys...how old are these guys. They have full-on six-packs. I'm jealous.

I walk over to the guys and ask if I could train with them.

"Yeah, no problem," Said Midoriya

"Thanks. I'll let the girls know" I yell at them as I walk back

"Hey, I'm going to train with the guys instead. You don't mind?" I ask the girls

"Not at all. I didn't know you were so big on training, Rose" Momo said

"Yeah, gotta get buff," I said as I flexed my noodle arms and ran back to the other side of the pool.


After training, I practiced swimming. My wings don't help me swim at all. In fact, they hold me back because they were not meant for the water and are heavy. I hadn't been swimming since I was very small so I should practice more.

I had gotten tired and sat at the edge of the pool to catch my breath. I saw Midoriya, who was close by, panting hard. I got up and walked over to him. "You okay, Piglet?" I asked

"Oh, yeah. I just want to get as much training in today as possible" he replied

"Okay, just don't push yourself too much," I said

"Isn't that a bit hypocritical?" Midoriya asked

"Why?" I wondered

"It's just that, you could have had the day to goof off with the other girls. Instead, you wanted to train with us," he replied

"Yeah...I guess." I shrugged "Training is just how I calm myself. I have something else to focus on instead."

"Instead of what?" Midoriya asked

I looked at him and smiled "Don't worry about it. I think I'm going to swim around in the pool"

"Yeah, okay" I heard Midoriya say before I jumped into the water.

I swim towards the middle of the pool before opening my wings and letting myself sink. I look at the sky from the bottom of the pool for a while before closing my eyes.

When I'm in the water, I feel calm and protected. I remember past memories of when Montague and Kota were still with me. Since Kota had a water quirk, he would make us go to the beach or the pool anytime we could. We would play for hours.




"Rose, Montague! Look I figured out my quirk" A little boy with light blue hair and dark green eyes ran up to us. He lifted his arm and a water snake traveled up his arm.

"Wow, Kota!" Montague yelled "that's awesome. You'll make an awesome Hero when you grow up"

"Y-you think so," Kota asked with a slight blush

"Yep. but not better than me." She said with a smug smile as the plants around us grew.

"What about Rose?" Kota asked

"Her quirk will come out soon. Even if she doesn't have one. She will still be an amazing Hero" Montague said

"Thanks," I said "But I don't want to be a Hero, quirk or no quirk"

"Why not?" Montague asked

"Too much work," I said with a shrug

"Hmmph. you'll see. One day, the three of us will attend UA Hero School and be the greatest Heros of all time" Montague said with a determined face.

That was the last time I ever heard her say those words.

After Kota was killed, my first quirk had manifested, RedString. Seeing strings everywhere all the time had scared me but what really scared me was Montague's string. Her soulmate string was connected to a grave, Kota's grave. It was so faded that it was almost transparent. I guess that fear was what caused my greatest regret.




I opened my eyes as I saw a hand reach for me from above. I hesitated a bit before I slowly grabbed it. The mystery hand pulled me out of the water. I saw the guys staring at me. "What?" I asked *Privacy much?*

"We thought you had drowned," said Kirishima. *When did he get here?*

"Why the (Heavens...hallelujah) were you floating in the water for so long?" Bakugo asked. *Him too?*

"I didn't know how long I was down there for" I explained

"You're lucky Midoriya realized you were still down there," Iida said

"I'm sorry for worrying all of you," I said "It won't happen again"

"How did you not run out of breath?" Todoroki asked

"I don't know" I shrugged "Strong lungs I guess" *Forgetting to breath could also be it.*

"Anyway back to training," Iida said "We were going to do a contest right? You up for it, Rose?"

"Nah, too much work," I said as I sat at the edge of the pool "I'll just watch"

"Okay the first group at the starting line"

After a few races Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki were up against each other. I was actually interested in their race. *Three go in. one comes out!*

I sat up to watch the race when I saw a man dressed in all black in need of Rapunzel's nap. His eyes glowed red and hair flew in the air. I held in my smile and watched as all three guys dove into the water in the most hilarious ways. I couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

"It's 5 pm." Mr.Aizawa said "Your authorized pool time is officially over. Hurry up and go home."

Some of the guys complained but were shut down.

We all changed and left for our home. I started to fly home when I stopped and saw the ocean. *I wonder if you guys are watching me? I wonder if you hate me? Do you wish we had never met?* I felt tears roll down my face.

I heard someone call my name from below me "Rose?"

I looked down and saw Kirishima and Bakugo looking up at me. I wiped away tears and flew down "Hey" I greeted them

"You okay. You were kinda just staring off into space for a while" Kirishima said

"It was really creepy," Bakugo said

"Gee, thanks," I said looking at him then turning towards Kirishima "I'm okay. Just thinking"

"Don't blow a fuse," Bakugo said while laughing

"Don't worry. I only ever did that five times" I said completely serious

"I-...okay" Bakugo said totally lost

"Well, I better go home. My uncles will get worried" I said as a flew into the air

"Bye. See you at school!" Kirishima said while waving.

I waved back and went home.


Aizawa said something important.

Now we're off to see the wizard! The wonder-full wizard of OZ!~

I asked Aizawa if I could fly to the camp and well...just keep reading.


"Please!!!" I begged

"No," Aizawa said

"I'll promise I won't get snacks. Just let me fly! My freedom is on the line here!" I begged. I was even on my knees.

He stared into my puppy dog eyes for a while before giving in. "Fine," he said with a tired look "Just don't let me see you will any food"

I held my hand to my forehead and said "Scouts honor!"

"That's not a scouts honor," he said

"Then I'll pinky swear!" I held my hand up and said, "Handshake?"

"No. I have no idea where that has been" he said as he left


All of the classes were too loud so I hopped up on top of the bus and decided to take a short nap.

"Rose! You should get off. Were already leaving" I heard Midoriya yell

I peaked one eye open to look at him before saying "This is going to be a long trip. I'm going to sleep up here for half of it" I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I asked Hatsume to make me some magnetic shoes so that I wouldn't fall off the bus. I could also curve my wings in front of me so the wind wouldn't hit me.

There were twenty minutes before we got to our stop so I stretched and took to the air. I flew by the window to greet everyone then flew high. I saw that we were surrounded by trees so I flew in and out and played until I realized that I was lost. I looked around until I found them yet again. I landed as I saw all the 1-A students run towards the bus in a panic.

*Why are they-?* Before I finished that thought, I saw a girl in a blue catsuit jump in front of them and sent them soaring into the air and down the hill. I had flown above the dust and landed after everything had calmed down.

I looked towards the remaining group and saw Aizawa. "Um, sir. What happened?"

He glared at me and said "Your late"

I scratched the back of my head "Ha, well, you see, I was playing with the reindeer and got stuck in snake traffic. I then got very lost"

"Snake traffic?" One of the catgirls asked

"Yep. When I was flying through the trees some snakes got in the way and wouldn't let me pass" I explained

Aizawa sighed and explained the game to me. I stopped listening after he said food. "So you're telling me that there will be food at this cabin and if I make it in time I shall eat said food?

"Well, yes. But-" Aizawa said

"Say no more" I interrupted him and faced towards the cabin with my hand on my hips "I shall defeat this distance with my hunger and my love for food. I will not be defeated!" I could feel the wind blowing in my hair. I felt so cool.

I heard a small chuckle behind me. A small child was trying to hide his smile. "Do not worry citizens! There will be no leftovers! I am not a quitter!" and flew off to the camp.

I had arrived before the rest of the class, even before Aizawa. I searched for the kitchen. I fell asleep in the middle of my search though. I was awakened by the same child from the cliff. "Ah, thank you for saving me from that slumber, my prince!" I yelled as I threw my hands up.

He was not impressed "If you were looking for the kitchen, it's over here," he said and pointed to the room across from us.

"Yeah, thank you," I said, a bit embarrassed.

After my meal, I saw the same kid outside. I walked over to him and sat beside him. I held out my hand and said "My name's Rose. Will you tell me yours?"

He stared at my hand for a while before shaking it. "My name's Kota"

"Kota?" I asked shocked

"Yeah…" he said a bit defensively

"Nice name," I said and forced a smile.

He looked at me for a bit before saying "Nice clown smile"

I looked down and said "A friend of mine used to have the same name as yours. It just caught me off guard"

"Used to?" Kota asked

"He passed away a long time ago," I said sadly

"How?" he asked

I hesitated a bit before answering "He died protecting me and another friend"

Kota glowered and looked away. I turned on my RedString and saw a faded blue string. "Do you have someone who passed away?"

He muttered "My parents. They died protecting the city"

I put my hand on his head "You'll be okay" and we sat in silence after that.

*Sometimes, you just need someone to tell you that everything will be fine.*