S3 Chapter 5

On the way back to camp (with directions from Midoriya), he told me that Muscles mentioned Bakugo.

*Wait. I was right? They're trying to kidnap Bakugo?*

We finally found Aizawa running around in the woods.

*Sounds crazy but we did*

I dropped Midoriya and Kota off with Aizawa and flew to the sky. I tried to look for the other students but the trees were too thick to see below. I flew back down and saw Midoriya running. I followed him to make sure he wouldn't hurt himself since he was so injured. We found the other cats fighting the villains from before.

*Guess the villains woke up faster than I thought they would.*

All of a sudden, a voice echoed in my mind. "Everyone in Class A and Class B. In the name of pro hero, Eraser Head, you are granted permission to engage in combat!"

*I think I'm going crazy...and I'm okay with that*

I flew down towards Midoriya as he was running into the woods.

*He must be going after Bakugo. I guess I'll follow him*

We suddenly found Shoji. *I hope that's his name* He had a bloody...arm? I went ahead of the two and turned on my string. Their string are a darker color than before but they were from the guy with the bird. *Tokoyami I think is his name.* His quirk was out of control.

"Get away...from me! You'll die!" He said when he saw us.

*Not like I wanted to get closer* I thought

When I heard that Shoji wanted to stay behind to distract Tokoyami, I volunteered to stay as well.

"Wait...but it's pretty far to either camp or the fire. Then, you'll be in danger-" Midoriya started

I wanted to say something but Shoji beat me to it. *hmph! Stealing my moment...how rude*

"I know. The act of saving people comes with risks. That's why heroes are called heroes" he said

"Midoriya, I've been dealing with this for most of my life. I'm used to this." I said trying to comfort him

"I have an idea" Midoriya said

"Oh thank goodness! I did not want to have to fight Tokoyami. He looks scary!" I thought to myself

"Eh...Rose, you meant that as a thought, didn't you?" Midoriya said

"Huh? Anyways, what's the plan?" I asked

"Well, Rose, you're not going to like this but…" Midoriya started

"But…" I asked

"Rose, you will carry us, like you did on the cliff, and take us to Bakugo" Midoriya said

"Why do I have to carry you guys?" I asked

"You said that you are extremely fast when you fly. This way, there's no way Tokoyami can reach us!" Midoriya said

Shoji and I thought about it. "I think I might be too heavy for Rose to carry" Shoji said "I can stay back while you guys go"

"Don't worry about it. I can carry you, easy peasy lemon squeezy" I said

"Can you? Cause once saw you asked for help opening a bottle" Shoji said doubtful

"Ever heard of just being too lazy?" I asked "Now hold on tight"

I lifted Shoji and Midoriya and flew like my life depended on it. Cause it did. After being yelled at for flying in the wrong direction (In my defense, they did not specify where to go) we finally found Bakugo and Shoto.

Midoriya and Shoji yelled at Bakugo to make an explosion while I yelled at him to hurry. "My arms feel like they're going to fall off! How heavy are you two?"

"We warned you!" They both yelled

*Ugh. They did. How annoying* I thought angrily

"What are you waiting f-. What the heck is that?" I yelled as I saw a stringy swords thing attacking Tokoyami.

*Ah! He wants Tokoyami to defeat the monster before calming him down* I figured out

After Tokoyami beat the stringy guy, Bakugo and Shoto both used their quirks to make fire which calmed Tokoyami's quirk down.

I finally dropped the two boulders on the ground. I was panting hard when I landed.

"Hey guys…" I called out

Shoji and Midoriya both looked over at me. "Yeah?" Midoriya asked

I looked at them dead in the eyes and said "Loose some weight"

"We warned you!" They yelled

I looked over at Tokoyami. He looked like he was beating himself up about what happened.

"Yo! Tokoyami, are you going to be okay?" I asked

He started talking about how childish he was and letting the darkness take over him. I walked up to him and slapped him.

Everyone looked shocked.

"Rose, why…" Tokoyami started

"I'm sorry, I just thought you needed a good slap" I said

*I also felt like it. Ever just want to smack someone out of nowhere? Just me? Okay."

It looked like I slapped some sense into him so it wasn't all that bad. It could also be because of Shoji but whatever.

The others started talking but I got confused and didn't listen much after...well I actually didn't listen at all. I looked up at Midoriya.

*Lucky...I want to be carried too. What do I need to do to be carried? Tell me your ways, Midoriya*

I zoned back in after hearing Bakugo yell and we started walking. I guess we are walking across the woods.