S3 Chapter 15

I open my eyes and see a white ceiling. *Where am I?*

I sit up and heard someone. "Don't sit up too fast"

I looked over and saw Recovery Girl.

"What happened?" I asked

"You're soul was in too much pain so your body went unconscious for a while. All you needed was some rest" she said

"How long was I out?" I asked

"Not long. A few hours" she said


"All the classes are having a mandatory assembly if you feel up to it" She said "you can go back to your dorm room after"

I nodded and made my way to everyone else. They were all surprised that I was awake. They asked me where I had been. I told them that I had been caught because of Midoriya and Bakugo. *I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get in trouble for that*

As we walked towards the courtyard, we ran into the other classes.

"I heard, Class 1-A- Three people! You had three people fail the provisional licensing exam!" Someone yelled

*Has he been waiting there for little old us?*

He proceeded to brag about his class and passing the exam.

"Sorry...everyone" Shoto said sadly

"I'm not! I was cheated! Cheated, ya hear?" I yelled

"Someone better stop her before she starts or we'll never get her to stop" I heard someone say

"Perfect score and all" I continued "I'm-"

I got cut off my Denki when he slapped his hand over my mouth.

"Don't brag if you don't have the license to prove it" the boy who had made fun of us said

I pulled Denki's hand off my mouth and tried to jump/attack the brat.

"Hold me back! Hold me back!" I yelled

Unfortunately, they did indeed hold me back.

I saw a familiar face walking towards us. I got out of the guy's holds and ran towards him.

"Sushi!" I yelled

"It's Shinso" he replied

"I know. I was just hungry" I said

*Darn! So close*

I looked at him for a while. "Did you get a new haircut? You look different "

"Nope." He said and kept walking

I thought about running after him but I'm not about to go chasing after someone. I'm not fit enough for that. *I'll figure it out later*

We finally made it to the assembly.

"Hey! It's the small mammal you all love, the principal!" Nezu said

*So cute. I want him. Plan to kidnap Nezu is a go!*

Nezu kept talking but it was boring so i zoned out.

*Nezu is too boring! Plan to kidnap Nezu is now canceled!*

"Hey, Rose? Are you listening?" Momo asked

"Huh? Oh, no. I'm not going to kidnap Nezu anymore" I said

"Eh?" She asked

"Sorry. Forget I said that" I said

I looked back when I heard howling.

"Grr...yesterday...Grrrr. At the dorms! Grrr...growl! Unused to grrr...life!" He ended that masterpiece with a loud howl.

I thought about my answer "Yes" I said

"You understood that?" Tsu asked


We were asked to go back to our classes after that. Made my way back to the dorms.

Everyone was in class so the dorms were empty. When I got to my room, I saw a note.

"Rose, we will be waiting for you"

"Gee I wonder who wrote this" I muttered sarcastically

*The Villains League must be getting desperate if they want to recruit me* I thought

I threw it away, flopped onto my bed, and slept the rest of the day away.




I woke up. *What day is it? How long have I been asleep?*

I looked out the window and saw that it was sundown. I went to the door and opened it. I saw Midoriya in front of me. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

"What year is it?" I asked

"Ah! It's the same year! Same day!" He said shakily

I let go. "Oh. It felt like I had been asleep for longer" I said

"Anyways, we have to clean our dorm" he said "Can you bring your trash down?"

"Uh...yeah" I said and closed the door

I looked around my room. *What is the limit on the amount of trash bags we can take?* I wondered

I finally smushed everything down into one bag. *I have no idea how I did it but I am sure that I will never be able to do it again*

I walked down and saw Midoriya with a sad look.

"What happened?" I asked

"Since we're under house arrest, we won't be able to know what's going on in class" he said

"Who is this 'we'?" I asked

"Oh yeah. I guess you wouldn't know. You're under house arrest. As well as Bakugo and I" he said

"I'm sorry, huh?" I asked. I thought about it for a second. "I guess it's to be expected. I had been patrolling illegally."

"Eh? Patrolling?" He asked

"Are you telling me that you have been sneaking out this whole time so that you can go around town patrolling? Not only that but you have been catching bad guys illegally." Iida said

"Uhh...no?" I asked

"Well that's good. What were you doing then?" He asked

*He believed me?*

"I just wanted to stretch out my wings" I said

Everyone believed me. Although some were skeptical.

The days went on and our hour arrest was soon over.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused!" I heard Midoriya yell

I went to class early so I was still groggy from just having woken up.

As I passed him, I bonked him on the head and said "Hush. It's too early to be loud"

I went to my desk. I had been excited about house arrest being over since I could finally go out again.

During house arrest, I hadn't gone out because of the extra surveillance on us. But I forgot how early we had to get up for school. 10 o'clock is okay. 9 o'clock is pushing it. But why did they pick 8:30 in the morning?

*You are probably wondering why I am in class and not with Shoto and Bakugo. Well it's because even though I failed the exam, I still got a perfect score. The teachers decided that I should be able to train with the others*

"I should have stayed with the other two. School is too much for me"

Midoriya looked over at me "We haven't even started yet" he laughed

I groaned "I know"