Bonus: From Rose to Cat

"Author? Why do you look so down?" Rose asked

"Writer's block…"

"Just write something. It can't be that hard" Rose said

The Author glared at her but then got an idea. She had an evil smirk as she started typing.

"I told you. So, whatcha writing?" Rose asked

"Your doom…"


"You'll see"

*I regret saying anything...* Rose thought to herself




My day started normally. I went to school, did homework, and then went on patrol. But then it got weird.

I had been chasing after a villain who had been creating his own army. This guy could heighten anyone's animal instincts but in return they would give up their minds to him. Not knowing the cost, they would pay him to make them stronger and faster and his army soon grew.

I had been flying around buildings as I looked for the guy. I saw a shadow above me. It looked like it was half bird half human. Sharp claws grabbed onto my wings but were easily cut by them and let go.

"Useless!" Someone yelled

I looked down and saw the man. I swooped down and pinned him on the ground using a feather to keep him still.

"How were you able to change someone into an animal? I thought you only heightened their instincts." I asked as I called the police

"You want to know? I'll show you" he said

My head felt like it was about to explode. I dropped to the floor and grabbed my head. "Wha-what is this" I whispered

Everything was becoming much more sharper. The smallest of noise became too much for me. All my senses had heightened.

"Hello? What is your emergency?" A voice from the phone asked

I took a breath and told them my location.

"These quirk amplifiers are amazing aren't they?" The guy on the ground asked "Too bad they don't last longer"

He had blood coming from his nose, ears, mouth, even his eyes were bloodshot.

I made sure to tell the police that he had been using amplifiers.

I left the man when I heard the police nearby.

*Luckily, whatever the guy did to me was starting to wear off.*

I went to my room and headed to bed.


I opened my eyes and looked at the time. *I have about ten minutes left. To sleep or not to sleep, that is the question.* I yawned *Sleep it is*

I stretched my arms out and saw a hairy arm.

*Do I need to invest in a razor?*

I flipped to the other side and felt weird. I tried to sit up but saw a tail. *Tail?*

I stood up but immediately fell to the ground.*Why am I so short?*

I saw my reflection in a mirror. A pink kitten looked back at me.


I held my...paw to my face.

*It is!*

I tried to scream but a meow came out instead. I ran to the door but I was too short to open it. I meowed loudly to get anyone's attention.

"Meow! Meow!"

"Is that a cat?" "Sounds like it's coming from Rose's room" "Should we check?"

*The girls heard me!*

I meowed some more and scratched at the door.

"Rose? Is that a cat?" Tsu asked

*Open the door! Do it! Do it now!* "Meow!"

"Can we come in?" Mina asked


I stuck my paw under the door and swatted around.

"That's a paw!" "It has pink fur!"

"Rose! We're going to get Mr.Aizawa to open the door. Get ready!!" Turu yelled

They ran off after the teacher. They soon came back not only with Aizawa but the entire 1-A class.

"What happened?" "Is she hurt?" "We're in the girls dorm area. Take advantage!"

*I can guess who that last person was…*

"Rose. I'm opening the door." Aizawa said

*Finally!* "Meow!"

The door swung open and me with it. *I forgot it opened to my side. Ouch!*

Everyone rushed in. "Where is she?" Jiro asked

"All the boys out. Girls, look for clues" Aizawa said

I pushed the door away from me and wobbled out from behind the door. "Meow…"


"OMG! A Kitty!"

Note: That was one of the guys.

Everyone crowded me and tried to pet me. I hissed and jumped away.

"Doesn't this cat look a bit like Rose?" Ojiro asked

"Your right. Where is she anyways?" Denki asked

*Here! I'm here!* "meow meow"

I pawed at Aizawas leg. *Understand my language or face my dangerous paws* "Grr"

Aizawa stared at me and said "Found her"

"Where, sir?" Iida asked

He picked me up and said "Here"

*Put me down* "meow"

"The cat is Rose? How" Midoriya asked

"I don't know" Aizawa said as he held me

*Final warning. Put. Me. Down.* I growled.

"Why are you still holding her?" Sero asked

"She's fluffy"

"Hiss…" I finally squirmed my way out and jumped down. I made my way for the bed.

*I guess no school for me* I thought smugly

"You still need to attend classes" Aizawa said

*Feel the wrath of my paws!*

We went down to the kitchen.

"What is she going to eat? Cereal?" Sati asked

They poured me some cereal and I ate. I felt eyes on me so I looked up. "Meow?"

"I want to take a picture" Shoji said

Everyone nodded

*No* "meow"

"That was a yes" Bakugo said

I growled. *No, it was not!*

Everyone was finished eating and we headed off to school. Iida leaned down and asked if he could pick me up. I tilted my head in question.

"I thought that you wouldn't want to walk as a cat." He asked

"Yeah right. You just want to hold her" Mineta said

"That's not it. Think about how she's feeling…" Iida said

*Finally. Someone who understands*

"She is just too small and fluffy to walk all the way to school " he finished

*He's dead*

I walked to school. My small fluffy paws and all!

I jumped in my seat and curled up in a ball. I slept through the lectures.

*Click* *Click* *Mummering*

*What is that?* I wondered

I opened my eyes and saw a whole crowd surrounding me. *What the-*

"She's awake!" Someone yelled

People were taking pictures. "She is still Rose! Remember that" Aizawa yelled

*Are you not going to say anything?* "meow"

A collection of awe's rang out. The bell rang and the crowd left for their classes. I pawed at Midoriya's arm.

He told me that someone babbered to the school about a cat in class 1-A. People started taking pictures.

Classes ended and we went back to the dorms. I ran up to Aizawa and meowed.

*Normal! I want normal!*

"I'm guessing you're asking about how to get back to normal. There was a guy last night who was arrested. Their saying you had something to do with his arrest. Their still looking into it but they say you can become normal in a few day" Aizawa explains

I sighed in relief

"You know you will need to explain all this when you are able to speak, right?" He asked


To Be Continued...