S4 Chapter 6

The day had come to rescue Eri. Before Midoriya left, I asked him to delete all text we've had that mentioned the mission. I also asked him not to mention me at all and if he happens to see me he should act as if he were surprised to see me.

I flew a few blocks away from the building that held Eri. I had gotten there a bit earlier than the other heroes so I used RedString to see where everyone was. By the time the heroes came, I had a good general idea of where everyone was.

I get closer to the scene but since I don't know what the heroes were planning, I stayed back for a while. It wasn't hard to stay hidden since everyone in the front was busy. Using RedString, I saw where they were headed.

I flew towards the sky, high enough to where you would barely see me. Then, making sure that I was above the spot where I wanted to be, I shot down. I held my hands above my head and broke through the ceiling.

"Gah! I hadn't thought that one through!" I yelled as I held my hurt hands in front of me.

I looked up and saw Kirishima who looked at me surprised.

"Rose? What are you doing here?" He asked

"Just dropping by. No big deal" I said

"Another Hero? I'll deal with you later" One if the villainess said as he ran after the blonde.

I went after the guy with the shield and slashed through his shield then got out of the way as Kirishima defeated the two.

I saw that they hadn't been knocked out yet but then noticed someone I've never seen before.

"Uh...who are you?" I asked

"Fatgum. We've met before" he said

I tilted my head "No. Well...possibly. Anyways, what about those two?"

"Don't worry. The police will take them into custody." Gum said

"But, you know they can still run away. They might get away." I said

Gum was about to say something but was interrupted by one of the villains.

"It's a battle to the death. I'm not...dead yet." He mumbled

Gum was surprised. I sighed and said "To the death huh?" As I pulled out one of my longer feathers.

I held the end to the guy's neck "One small move and it's over. Do you really want it to end like this?" I asked

"Heh. You? With a measly feather? Try it" he said

*A measly…!?*

I wacked the guy with the flat part of the feather on his head. He was knocked out cold.

"You want more if my 'measly feather'?!?" I yelled and tried to go back for round two.

Gum grabbed onto my shirt to hold me back. "How did you hit him so hard?" He asked

I stopped trying to smack the guy and said "Hard? I was going easy on him"

It looked like he wanted to ask me more but I interrupted him.

"You should take some time to recover. It doesn't seem like the other guy wants to continue fighting so I'll go on ahead" I spread my wings out but the rooms were a tight fit. *Running it is.* (Sad face)

I ran towards where I saw Midoriya's string. The halls suddenly started to wobble. *I feel sick*

I cut a hole through the ceiling and flew out. *Much better*

I decided to follow the string from the ceiling. I had finally found him. I cut a circle in the ceiling and jumped in. As I was falling to the ground, I was hit from behind by a rock.

"Ack!" I yelled

The rock was smashed into pieces by Midoriya and I fell to the ground.

"Rose?" He asked "W-what are you doing here?"

Before I could answer, I felt the building starting to shake. I pushed Midoriya out of the way and a wall came up from the floor.

I used RedString and saw the girl from camp sneaking up behind a one of the heroes.

"Behind you! Watch out!" I yelled

I heard screaming. *He's okay. Right?...let us pray*

Midoriya broke through the wall. I was still using RedString so when we saw the man, I instantly knew that he was the double. I blocked Midoriya from getting closer using my sword.

"That's a double," I said as she changed back.

She stayed to cut through my feather but she only succeeded in cutting her own knife in half.

Aizawa tied her with his scarf but she backfliped and managed to cut his shoulder with another knife she had. *Great. I guess she could change into him now*

"She got away but Rose…" Aizawa started

"Hmm?" I asked as I turned around

"You're not supposed to be here" he said meanisly.

"Eh he… I can explain" I said

"Oh?" He asked

"Uh...distraction!" I yelled as I pointed to a wall and flew out the hole I made.

*I should wait until they find Eri. I don't want to be kicked out yet*

I followed Eri's string. *Should I hide and watch?*

As the thought crossed my mind, I felt a rumbling from where Eri was. *Guess not*

I fell through the ground and landed in front of a gun. *Why do I always fall into trouble? Literally*

I slashed through the bullets and even knocked one back. It hit his shoulder. I looked back as saw Smiley protecting Eri.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yeah" he said, relieved

"By the way, what's your name?" I asked

"Huh? Mirio" he said

"Got it" I said *It would be really awkward if I yelled 'Smiley'. Awkward but funny.*

He handed Eri over to me and went after the guy with the mask. I looked down at Eri. *Aww...So cute*. I put my wings way so that I wouldn't hurt her.

"How are you holding up?" I asked

"Are you an Angel?" She asked

I laughed nervously "No. Not at all"

"You looked like it. You fell from the ceiling and you had wings. You even protected me and the other guy." She said

I smiled at her and said "Alright. Let's go"

"But the other guy…" she whispered

I heard a shot that rang loud and I turned around. Mirio had ran in front of us, taking the shot for himself. I stared in shock. Many thoughts ran through out my head but one stood out *crap*

Mirio got back up and fought the masked guy. *He's not giving up…* I grabbed Mask's string and yanked on it. It hurt but I wasn't giving up either. I had to keep Eri safe but I also wanted to help. Mask felt the pain but was still fighting back but it was slower.

Luckily Midoriya had finally made it. As the others fought, I kept Eri safe from all the attacks. Midoriya and Mirio had joined up with Eri and I. We turned to leave but Eri stopped. I looked back and saw a man with blond streaks in dark hair who had been stabbed.

I flew after Mask who in return had blocked my path. I cut every rock and made it to him. He sent rocks at me which sent my flying back. I saw Midoriya who was stabbed in the leg. I cut the rock from the floor so he'd be able to move. I was about to fly back but heard Eri.

"I...don't...want that!" She said

I would have gone after Mask but I saw multiple string coming from the ceiling that were coming closer.

Heroes had crashed down. *Taking notes I see*

Mask had Eri on a rock tower in which Midoriya saved her. He sends multiple rocks at him. I fly up and cut them all down. *I feel as if I should stay away from Eri for now. Midoriya might be the only one who can get close to her for now.*

I landed on the ceiling and watched Midoriya kick Mask's behind.

Eri looked like she was out of control. *If I use my string, it would only make things worse* Luckily, Aizawa used his quirk on her.

I flew over to them and made sure they were okay. After a few hours, everyone who was hurt was sent to the hospital and made sure everyone was out of the building.

An officer came up to me. "Excuse me, but were you one of the Heroes who were sent here?" They asked

I shook my head "Nope"

"Then, I'm going to have to take you in" they said with some handcuffs

I held out my hands and said "sure"

Midoriya ran up to us and said "Wait! She was helping us. She's not one of the villains"

"She still entered the building without permission and interfered with official work. I'm sorry but I need to take her"

I looked over at Midoriya and smiled "Don't worry. I'll be fine. I expected this would happen"

I walked with the officer into the police car. *This feels familiar…*