S4 Chapter 10

My morning went the same as always. I woke up, brushed my teeth, went downstairs to grab something to eat-

"Why are you still here!?" Uncle Joseph yelled

I froze "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You forgot?!" He yelled and rushed me towards the door. "You got a letter that said you were invited to be on the billboard chart! You need to hurry!"

"But breakfast!" I yelled as I looked longing at the kitchen

"It's already the afternoon. Here," he ran back to the kitchen with a nut bar and gave it to me "you can eat this on your way there"

"But I-" I was kicked out of the house. I looked down at the sad little nut bar. *This sucks…*

I fly towards the stadium where the thingy was. *I think this is the place...hopefully*

I walk into the stadium. There were people on stage. *I'll just sit down somewhere* I looked around for an empty seat but couldn't find any. I walked further down the row and saw that all of the front seats were empty. I sat down in one.

"Ah! There she is! It's RedSparrow!" Someone yelled

I looked up in surprise "Huh?"

"Go on up RedSparrow!" They yelled again

*Wait. I hadn't signed up for this.* I thought as I stood back up.

*It's okay. It's okay. Just calm down. Walk normal. No! I will strut! This is MY house! I own this place! I will walk like the boss that I am!!*

Everyone: why is she walking like a robot?

I finally made it up the stairs and looked at the heroes who were lined up. I saw Endeavor and stood next to him.

"We're we supposed to line up in order or something?" I whispered to him

"You're fine" he said

I stood straighter "okay!"

The guy with the wings kept looking over at me. I looked down at my clothes. *Eh...I really should have worn something nicer but it's not that bad...is it?*

The others started talking but I started feeling sleepy (I did just wake up…). I only looked back up when the guy with wings started flying. *Does he think he's special with those wings of his? Mine are better* The guy kept flying higher. *Is he ascending or something?*

*Dude, the ceiling must be calling his name or something* I thought as I watched him in the air. He came back down and gave the mic to The Flaming Hot Cheeto.

"Former number one hero...what is the Symbol of Peace? After that young person has fanned the flames. I won't say much. Just watch me" he said then gave me the mic

I held the mic in my hands *What am I supposed to do with this?*

"Ahem...What exactly am I doing here?" I asked

A few people laughed. "No, seriously. Why am I here?" I asked "I woke up at what I thought was in the morning. Turns out it was already the afternoon! Not only that but I get kicked out of my house by my uncle with only a nut bar to satisfy my hunger. A nut bar! Like, Really? Give me at least two. Then I come here and I...I don't know what! Why am I here?"

More people started to laugh. I started to get a little frustrated. I turned towards Endeavor "By the way, you asked what the Symbol of Peace was. It could be all the heroes that are gathered here. Not just the ones on stage but all over the world. The ones who risk their lives for complete strangers. In my mind, I believe that they're all the Symbol of Peace. But I could be wrong"

No one talked. *This is why I'm not good in crowds. I make things awkward*

I walk around the stadium. *I just wanted to find the bathroom but I think I'm lost...again.*

I open a door and see Endeavor holding Wings in the air by his shirt. We all stare at each other in shock. I slowly close the door and say "I'll just pretend I didn't see anything"

The door slams back open and Endeavor comes out. "Whatever your thinking, you're wrong" he said "By the way, what was with the whole standup comedy act?"

*Changing the topic, I like it*

"Yeah. At first you acted like a child then, out of nowhere, you say something like 'The Symbol of Peace is inside all of us!'" Wings mimiced me

*A child?*

"I did not say that. I also don't sound like that either! And I actually don't know why I am here" I said "By the way, that wasn't supposed to be stand up comedy. That really did happen."

Wings came forward and said "Apparently, there were many people who wanted to see the great vigilante get the fame and recognition that she so deserved. That's why you were here even though you aren't officially a hero"

I looked away "Had I known that, I wouldn't have come"

"Why wouldn't you? Your famous and you got to meet the some of the best heroes" Wings said

I cringed and said "I'm not into that.

"It's your fault for not reading the invitation. Can't you read?" Endeavor asked

"Who reads the fine print? By the way, where's the bathroom? It feels like I went into every area of this place"

Both of them: It wasn't in fine print though. It was in bold...

They pointed me in the right direction and I left them.

*Darn! I forgot to show Wings how much better my wings were. Oh well, next time*