Bonus: From Rose to Cat pt.2

Being a awesome! All I need to do is look cute and people will give me whatever I want. I could be sleeping and people would give me compliments. I love it!

Until I woke up in front of the police station.

I opened my eyes and did that stretch thing that animals do. I felt a buzz near my head and swatted at it.

*Buzz? Bees go buzz. Did I leave the window open?*

I turned and saw the police station. *What in the-?*

"Aww~ What a cute Kitty" the detective said as he picked me up.

*Hey! Let me down!* "meow!"

"It's okay. I'll find your home for you." He said cheerfully "I wonder if you're a girl or boy…"

*Don't check! Don't check!* "hiss!!"

He let me down and I jumped up on a table. I found a pen and paper. With the pen in my mouth, I wrote "I'm Rose."

He looked down at the paper in confusion "I goose?"

"You're a wha-?!*

"I didn't know you were an animal with a quirk! It must not be that good if your handwritten is that bad though…" he continued

*You try writing with your mouth as a cat!* "Meow Meow!"

He picked me up and moved me to the computer "This should make things easier for you" he said

I typed down "I'm Rose in the shape of a cat."

He was silent for a second before dialing the school. "At least you told me before I checked your gender" he laughed nervously. *Yeah. Because then, you would have lost a few fingers*

The school told him what happened to me and Aizawa came to pick me up and we drove back to the school.

Everyone was waiting in front of the door.

"Where were you?" Mina asked

"We knocked at your door but no answer" Ochaco said

"Apparently, she was sleeping outside the police station" Aizawa said

"Why there?" Kaminari asked

"We're not sure yet. But we think that it must have something to do with…" Aizawa started

I could hear anything. "Free me…"

*Huh? Free?* I looked around

"Come back and free me…"

*This sounds like the man who turned me into a cat.*


I was startled and turned back.

"You okay?" Aizawa asked

*Noo…* "meow" *I'm being brainwashed!* "meeeooowww"

Everyone: So cute



My head was hurting. I looked around and found myself in the middle of the street on my way to the police station. The last thing I remember was going to sleep. *I must have been sleep walking again*

*(licorice), it didn't work again!* a voice yelled

*You're the man who changed me into a cat, right?* I asked

*Yes. Now, tell me how you are doing that* he asked me

*Doing what?* I asked

*How are you not affected by the brainwashing like the others?!* he yelled

* might be that my brain is just too big for you to handle* I said proudly

*...are you stupid?* he asked

*I am the definition of stupidity* I said

*That's not something to be proud of, kid* he said

I shrugged *Now, tell me how to get back to normal*

He sighed and said *Fine. If you aren't going to be of any use to me then I won't waste anymore time on you*

*I'm going to go back to normal?* I asked happily

*Yeah, but you might want to go back home* he said

I nodded and went back to the dorms.

I made my way up the balcony and into my room then fell asleep.


I opened my eyes and looked down. "I'm back! My human self is back!" I yelled

I put some clothes on and ran out the dorms.

"I can kick! I can run! I can-"

"Shut up because it's too early for this!" Bakugo yelled

"Your back!" Ojiro said


Everyone was asking questions and yelling. I was getting a headache from all the commotion. I held my head and closed my eyes.

*Please quiet down. You're all to loud* "meow"

"'re a cat again" Denki said

I looked down at my paws. *No no no!* "meow meow meow!"

Aizawa took me to Recovery Girl.

"It looks like since her instincts were heightened too much, that there's no going back" she said

I turned back into a human after a few minutes of being a cat.

"How am I able to go back to being human?" I asked

"Your instincts only come out when you feel like you're in danger. Rose, you now have a new quirk" Recovery Girl said

"...A new quirk?" I asked

"I know it's a shock-"

*Uh, yeah it is*

"-But I with some practice, you will be able to control it" she finished

And that is how I got my new quirk, Instincts.

New quirk: Instincts

Rose has three new forms: Small, Medium, and Large

Small: Rose is in her normal human form but has slightly heightened sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. But not by much.

Medium: Rose is half cat and half human. Her five senses are much more sensitive. But it gives her a headache.

Large: She is actually a small cat. But she absolutely hates this form.