S5 Chapter 1

In life, there comes a time (imagine a tumbleweed here. Or a runaway cat fur.) when people must make choices of their own…so why must my choice of living rent free and being lazy be taken from me?!

"Alright! I'm off to (H E Double hockey sticks)!" I yelled out "But just so you know, you should start preparing them dólar bills for my future! And dance lessons!"

"We'll set up a GoFundMe page and use the change after we pay for your therapy" Uncle Noel said

My uncles stood at the door of the front house guarding it with their lives. I had forgotten that the first day of me going back to school was today but I won't forgive them for how they woke me up…

(Flashback an hour ago)

*Shooo comphy…*

My bed was warm and soft. My blinds were down. I was awake but I'm not. Ya understand me?


*Oh dear loard! Who in the heavens…?!*

A blinding light flooded into the room from my now unblinded window. It should be illegal for the sun to be so bright early in the morning.I covered my face with my blanket and tried to go back to sleep.

"Ice cream truck!" Uncle Joseph yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I arose from the deep nap and ran outside. Only to find an empty road and concerned neighbors.

I ran back inside when I was bombarded by my uncles.

"It's time." Uncle Noel said

I looked between the two of them with a worried look.

"Time for what?" I asked "Breakfast?"

They gave me identical creepy smiles.


I kid you not. I heard that in slow motion like in the movies.

I turned and ran for the door but uncle Noel turned into a giant gorilla, blocking the exit. I ran for the stairs but Uncle Joseph was also blocking them.

Tough times call for tough measures.

I opened the window and jumped halfway out when both uncles grabbed me and pulled me back in. I held onto the ledge for dear life.

"They're taking me alive! They're taking me alive!" I yelled out

After they pulled me back in (and got a few phone calls from the concerned neighbors) they forced me to change into my school uniform and sent me on my merry little way.

(End of flashback)

"Just go to school! You'll be late!" Uncle Noel yelled out

"Great! Less time for me to be there!" I yelled back

"You'll be held back a grade and forced to retake it!" Uncle Joseph yelled back

I turned and ran to school faster than that one roadrunner. But before I left their sights, I turned and…

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

(Uncle Joseph's POV)

I turned to Noel.

"I'm not even mad at this point. Just concerned." I said

"Yeah" he replied

I turned back towards Rose who was still making odd faces. How is she even doing that?

"Should we start that GoFundMe page now?" I asked Noel

"Yeah" he sighed as we headed back inside.

(Rose's POV)

I sat in class half asleep when I overheard Denki.

"Endeavor was amazing yesterday, wasn't he?"

"Yeah! I was scared stiff when he was knocked down by the Nomu, though" Kirishima said

*Yeah, me too. I thought I would have to do more work* I thought to myself.


*Woah! Woah! What's up with the flashbacks?! I don't wanna relive the memories! Nooooo!*

*Wow…this is a long flashback…*

"Oh! Thank Goodness It's over!"

Everyone looked at me.

"Eh…Rose? What's over?" Kiri asked

"Uhh…nothing!" I said sheepishly

*I've got to be more careful when breaking the fourth wall*

At that moment, Shoto came into the classroom. He said that his father was A-OK! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ

"Hey, the bell rang a long time-" Aizawa stopped mid-sentence after seeing that we were all in our seats.

As you can see, we're perfect angels. (⌒▽⌒)

"Bla bla bla…responsibility… bla bla bla…"

To be honest, I didn't even get past the word responsibility.

As the alarms went off, I swiftly and calmly-


Everyone looked at me with concerned looks.

"Geez…who was that?" I asked innocently

♪(´ε` )

"Emergency drill, emergency drill.


Alright. Imma stop listening from there. If it's not real, don't waste my time. No hate(╹◡╹)Just not interested ( ◠‿◠ )

Let's skip this part! Just imagine us changing into our hero costumes…Wait! No-! (Alexa, don't play Careless Whisper by George Michael!)

We stood somewhere outside the school with a pretty background with a bright blue sky and puffy clouds. Hold on…that sounds like a certain amounts of anime intro-

The others made a plan and I just went with it. They all separated and I decided to go in the direction of the fire. But that's when I realized…I am totally useless in putting out fires. Like, I'm great at starting them. But putting them out…not so much. And using RedString, I noticed that the building was completely empty. So where…?

At the light of speed, skechers came racing in with a basket of heros.

Todo glared at the building before raising his hand.

Hold on…I'm not that far from the building. Please tell me he sees me. -_-b

Todo started setting the building to ice. Luckily, I flew further from the area where he was pointing.

"My God! You almost did it again!" I yelled

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

"Don't get in the way next time" he said

"I…eh true" I shrugged ( ̄▽ ̄;)

I looked past him and saw a few strings by the lake. I flew overhead and saw a floating face.

…I see nothing, I know nothing. Umm…RIP decapitated head (ーー;)

Everyone looked over where Tsu was.

The head laughed and said "I don't know why, but I got swept away, right?"


It's alive! ∑(゚Д゚)

"It's the upperclassman, Togata!" Mineta said

Ohh. That makes more sense.

Wait wait! Why are we throwing each other around?!

Ninety and Tsu went flying towards me and I quickly pulled my wings in and flew in the opposite direction.

They saved Togata but unfortunately a blast set off where the building was set on fire.

I groaned. *What's with all these missio-? Ahh! Cold!*

Todo set the building on ice again and unfortunately I was flying in the direction of his target.

"This is on purpose now isn't it?!" I yelled



"What's with that face?!" I yelled "Don't tell me you saw me but still froze the building! This is only training! It ain't so serious!"

I suddenly felt something wrap around me and yank me from the ice.

Oh? What's this? (*'▽'*) Someone saved moi?.


Oh. Wait. No. I'm being kidnapped. ( ̄▽ ̄)

Well, at least I know there's someone in this world who wants me. Glass half full, ya know?

"Target's been taken hostage" Todo said

"HUH?!" I exclaimed Σ੧(❛□❛✿)

Caught in 4K. I'm not sure how I feel about this…(ー ー;)

As I laidback and waited to be rescued, I saw happy face jump back into the water and get carried away by the water.

This little damsel is causing her own distress!

I watched my only "saviors" run towards happy face, leaving me to fend for myself.

"It's a cruel cruel world out there. Full of fake friends and even faker heroes" I muttered

"Truly heartbreaking" My capturer said

"Truly" I said and nodded "Anyways, it's been nice being captured by you but you've gotta let me go now."

"Is this…the start of something?" She asked

"You letting me go? Yeah" I said

"But…I love you" she cried "Ever since we were kids. When we went on that rollercoaster and you threw up and it all went flying to the people behind us. That was the moment I knew, we could never be friends because…I wanna be more than just friends! Lovers! And scene."

"You know about that?!" I exclaimed (・ω・)ノ

"Wait. That actually happened?" She asked


"Uh…no" I said

Anyways, I flipped my wings open and…

All my feathers flew out.

Now, let me explain how and why this happened. I was bored one day and decided to learn a new fighting technique. Now imagin this, I'm stuck in an alleyway and there's a bunch of villains surrounding me. Now, I could easily take them all down but it's so exhausting fighting one after the other.

That's why I created "Feather Shower"! This is when I comb out my feathers to a point where I can still use them and do everyday things but if I flick them out at a certain speed, my feathers fly into the air and fall as they gently cut through villains along the way.

Genius right? The only downside would be that I would have less feathers and might be unable to fly. I also need to modify that amount of times I brush the feathers…it's a work in progress.

Author whispers from afar: "So is the name!"

I nodded. Yes the name is also a work in…no! The name stays!

I huffed, crossed my arms, and fell to the ground and watched Purple try to avoid my accidental surprise attack.


I layed on the ground and wondered if I should get back up. Hmm…

I heard an angry Bakugo yell "die!" and an explosion soon after.

No. No, I don't think I will.




I sighed a breath of relief. I had finally finished writing the first episode of season five! Now I just need to upload it.

I skipped through the gravestones to submit my silly little fan-fic.

I froze. Gravestones? I looked around and found myself in a graveyard.

"What the-?!" I muttered

A hand jumped from a grave and locked onto my ankle.

"WHAT THE F-?!" I exclaimed

The hand used my leg to pull itself out.

"Gyahh! Oh wait! Rose? Is that you?" As I looked at a crying Rose.

"Where…" she muttered




"I waited almost a year for you to finish the first episode! I've even begun to dig up my own grave. What happened?"

"Listen, things have been difficult and I hadn't had time to write anything. Also, are those pillows and manga? Why would you need that in a grave?"

"Because what if I get bored as I'm dying? Also, the truth! I want the truth!"

I scratched my neck "I am telling the truth but I guess I have been procrastinating and I do have commitment issues…"

"I knew it! You've forgotten about me!"

"That's not it at all"

"Oh yeah? Then when's the next upload?"


"What does that mean? When's the next-"