Chapter 7 - Survival

A muscular zombie roars, it pounces forward. His attack is intercepted by the Skeleton with his bone spears. It pierces the zombie, forcing him back but only injuring it. The golden creature is strangely small.

The boss seems to be trying to sneak away holding a bag, Kaleb throws a lump of metal at one of the zombies while decapitating two more. He kills the remaining one while Bones engages in a fight with the Muscular zombie. It's tearing at Bones , who just ignores it, while swinging its axe around.

Kaleb throws a lump of metal at the golden boss, it drops the bag and runs faster, turning away completely.

Kaleb runs forward to cut off the creature who has to run around the blockage, it's a tight race. Kaleb, however, gets to the exit before it does.

This should lead to a staircase to the upper floor, Kaleb cuts at it.


It leaves a slight dent in the golden armor, it's like it has a layer of metal over the skin.

The carrier reaches out its claws, Kaleb throws the last piece of metal on him at the carrier, as he leaps back as fast as he can.

He dodges the claw, but the metal he threw has no effect, Kaleb stumbles and pushes a desk. He quickly corrects himself and pushes the desk towards the wall.



The carrier is pinned against the wall, it won't hold long though and it'll get free as soon as he takes a move, so he only has one shot.

He has to go for the neck, his range is just slightly longer.

He calms his mind and readies the sword.


Kaleb yells out as he steps toward the carrier, it bursts free, hissing out at him.



The carrier's head hits the ground, the body swipes at Kaleb headless.

He wasn't prepared for that; he leaps back but it's not quick enough.

"Shit!" he yells.

He's suddenly grabbed from behind, as he remembers that he's not alone, Bones has grabbed him as the carrier's body falls over.

<"Congratulations, you have taken down an enemy boss. This floor will not spawn any new creatures until a new boss is created. Please select your reward, Item: Jasper Silicon Armor - Flexible armor that can withstand many hits, Skill: Silent Steps - Your footsteps will become whisper silent. Does not apply to certain worn items, Spell: Water Ball - Create a ball of water. Please pick one!">

'Wow so it's true, it seems? I wonder if each floor of this place has a boss...'

"I choose the Water Ball spell!" he exclaims.

Information flows into his head as another symbol appears in his mind, energy keeps pouring in as it feels more crowded in there.

<"Warning, user has 1 remaining active skill slot. You will get 1 more slot at level 20. Are you sure you wish to learn this spell?">

"Shit what? I only get 3? Yes, fine learn it, water will be useful and if it's not then I'll just drop it."

The image solidifies in his mind as the information flows in, he touches upon it as another strange incantation comes from his mouth.

A ball of blue light appears in his hand, it's the size of a pool ball. He stops chanting after using half of his MP.

The guardian spirit doesn't need any to maintain its existence, its only downside seems to be the resummon time. He brings the water ball up to his mouth as he tastes it.

The taste is strange but it's not that bad, he washes his mouth out with the water before tossing it away. It's certainly not a combat skill but it saves having to carry around water which is amazing in on itself.

Kaleb stops by the doorway leading upstairs, this office building is taller than the hotel where he is staying... was staying. It'll take quite some time to clear it out, but he can't spend months here.

Kaleb circles around the floor ensuring there's no more zombies as he surveys the surroundings.

All the buildings around have their windows blown out, both the mall and shopping district across the road are on fire, while the hotel no longer exists. It has crumbled further than he's able to see, it's amazing this building survived.

He walks around a few times, just taking everything, he can get his hands on, before the smoke becomes overpowering, good news is that storms are coming, so it should at least be raining soon. That should calm most of it all down. He returns to the stairs and walks down to the next level. Bones is closely following him as they prepare to intercept the next bunch of zombies.