Omnitrix Copied and Saved d.n.a
- Supersoldier serum
- Mutant gene
- Amazon d.n.a
- Demigod d.n.a
- Not Displayed (god d.n.a from Ares)
- Creaton enhanced human(oc)- Not
saved due to similarities between
it and the Mutant gene.
- God-killer d.n.a(Hancock's).
- Partial awareness of the bodily functions.
- limited shaping of the body.
- enhances healing.
World jump
- Random multiversal travel
- Adapts the body and soul to the laws of any new world(he doesn't know it yet)
:- Supersoldier serum- Enhances the body to above peak human.
- Gives the recipient a lot of stamina.
:- Mutant gene- gives the user different abilities based on colors.
- Number of colors discovered as of yet are-: Orange- creates constructs
Red- Enhancement
Green- regeneration and rejuvenation.
Yellow- one absolute lucky chance once per month.
:- Amazon d.n.a- not intergrated.
:- Demigod d.n.a- gives the user a demigod's physiology at 40% effectiveness. Superhuman healing, increased lifespan, Lifting strength starts at 40 tons and speed is 2800 mph. Current figures lie at 50 tons and 3000mph.
:- God-killer d.n.a- complete imperviousness to damage under a certain value, superspeed, superstrength, tactile telekinesis, 10 times the reaction speed of a peak human and immortality, all dependent on how far or near the the Opposite,the user is. Not intergrated.
Created skills and Abilities-
1. Overdrive first form- increases physical prowess by a factor of 10. 400 tons lifting strength and 28000mph running speed (mach 36 speed). Current figures lies at 500 tons lifting strength and 30000mph (mach 39). He can only sustain it for 10 minutes.
2. Overdrive second form:- Heatwave- increases physical prowess by an unknown factor. Massive lifting strength, massive speed. Can safely be sustained for 30 seconds currently.
3. Blitz avenger- a first movement attack, using a sword construct while projecting observation haki around a 100 meter range simultaneously channeling red and in overdrive.
4. Final dusk- A culmination of all his current power. Mountain buster.