Hidden Intentions Exposed

"Sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be reached…"

It was the umpteenth time Huang Ruobing tried to call Ye Yang. Ever since finding out about his car accident, there was a look of uncertainty on her face.

The lack of an answer made Huang Ruobing assume the worst. After losing count of how many times she had been calling, Huang Ruobing finally gave up.

Gripping her phone tightly, she slumped back into her chair. She was holding on to a tiny bit of hope earlier, that Ye Yang was somehow still alive, but this hope was completely gone now. 

Ye Yang… most probably died in that car crash.

Looking grim, her fingers were trembling slightly. Then, she called another number.

To her surprise, it was answered almost immediately. "Little Bing?"

"It was you," Huang Ruobing spoke resolutely without beating around the bush. She was no naive woman so with only brief speculation, Huang Ruobing could more or less deduce what had happened.

Ye Yang had been doing this for the sake of helping her get rid of He Dong. For him to suddenly die in a car crash, Huang Ruobing couldn't find a more reasonable explanation other than that He Dong was behind this. Hence, when she came to, she dialed He Dong's number straightaway.

He Dong wasn't at all flustered by Huang Ruobing's accusation. Instead, he responded with a smirk, "Little Bing, you're as quick-witted as ever."

Surprisingly, he didn't deny planning the car crash.

"Don't you know that it's a human's life we're talking about?" Huang Ruobing had always been aware of how extreme He Dong could be, but it surprised her that he would actually pay to kill.

Huang Ruobing would never agree to such actions so the fury in her heart was burning even stronger.

"Human life? It was merely an ant that I can so easily crush. Oh, Little Bing, had you been obedient, he didn't have to die." He Dong was nonchalantly about this. To him, what Huang Ruobing was saying was just a result of her soft-hearted nature.

"He Dong, did you know that in the eyes of others, you're merely a larger ant? You better pray that you never fall from your status," Huang Ruobing retorted with a hint of resentment in her tone.

He Dong's actions came like a destructive blow for Huang Ruobing. But this in turn gave her a brand new motivation.

"Don't worry, Ye Yang. I will avenge you."

Meanwhile, Ye Yang, who was assumed by Huang Ruobing to have lost his life in the accident, was sitting right across from Ruan Wenxiong.

Ye Yang had been declaring himself a client of Ruan Wenxiong's to deceive others, but how could Ruan Wenxiong himself not know if Ye Yang was a client of his?

Ruan Wenxiong was about to expose Ye Yang's identity. However, he changed his mind when he saw this stranger mouth a sentence at him, 'Expose me and you will regret it for the rest of your life.'

After Ruan Wenxiong sent his secretary away, the two men just sat in silence, staring at each other without saying anything for a while. Finally, Ruan Wenxiong caved in to the awkwardness. "You're not here just for a drink, are you?"

Ye Yang crinkled his eyes as he smiled and nodded. "I'm here for business."

Ruan Wenxiong felt fury boil over in his heart to the point where he was on the brink of cursing out loud. He had a feeling that Ye Yang was just toying with him. "Business? You don't look like you're here to do business at all."

"How so? Where there are negotiations involved, it's business." Ye Yang wasn't at all worried about irritating Ruang Wenxiong. Instead, he seemed rather relaxed.

"How should I address you?" Ruan Wenxiong was starting to get impatient.

"Ye Yang. I'm here on behalf of President Huang," Ye Yang answered without concealing anything. He was behaving in a way that Ruan Wenxiong had never seen before.

Ruan Wenxiong was now aware that Ye Yang was Huang Ruobing's negotiator. For this reason, Ruan Wenxiong decided to pick the cautious route, because, to be able to waltz right into his office with confidence, Ye Yang must be a person of caliber.

"I was the one who decided to call off the collaboration with President Huang. How are you planning to make me reconsider my decision?" Although Ruan Wenxiong was being vigilant, he didn't show it on his face.

Ye Yang understood the meaning behind Ruan Wenxiong's unspoken words. He merely smiled and said, "I just here to try to persuade you."

"Try? Then Mr. Ye, what is your last resort?" Ruan Wenxiong was surprised not only by Ye Yang not begging for mercy, but he was also trying to tell him about the possible future outcomes. This helped him realize that Ye Yang wasn't here without a plan.

As for what Ye Yang had to offer that could possibly sway him, Ruan Wenxiong had an inkling.

"The incident from fifteen years ago should be more than enough as a bargaining chip." Ye Yang seemed to be playing a game of words with Ruan Wenxiong on the surface, but upon hearing this, his counterpart's expression changed abruptly. It was evident that he didn't anticipate a threat from Ye Yang so quickly.

Ye Yang was no idiot. He wouldn't rely on sincerity nor profit to attract Ruan Wenxiong. The man was earning more than enough from this scheme so profit probably wasn't going to make him waver.

By now, Ruan Wenxiong had probably received his first dividend from He Dong. Since profit wouldn't work, personal threats might be his best bet yet.

However, what came next was a murderous intent directed at Ye Yang.

Initially, Ruan Wenxiong hadn't been very interested in this discussion at all. Ye Yang was only able to stand here for so long because Ruan Wenxiong had no idea what the man had up in his sleeves.

But now, Ruan Wenxiong was completely startled, like a hornet's nest that had been poked.

No one enjoyed being threatened. Previously, someone had planted a spy in Huang Xudong's ranks exactly because Huang Xudong had leverage over them. Now, the leverage Ye Yang was holding could be considered lethal for Ruan Wenxiong.

A person like Ruan Wenxiong was definitely reluctant to have such life-threatening leverage be known to Ye Yang. However, he could no longer maintain the facade he'd been pulling off up until this point.