
Being a talkative person and upon letting go of his prejudice against Ye Yang, Huang Guohua proceeded to have an enjoyable chat with Ye Yang. And it was because of this conversation that Huang Guohua decided to leave Riverside after this.

"I only came here because I was worried that my children were acting rashly. But now that you're here, I can be at ease. I hope both of them will be of use to you someday." Perhaps it was due to their pleasant exchange that Huang Guohua now had a good impression of Ye Yang.

He started acting more polite towards Ye Yang in the way that he spoke.

Ye Yang accepted the gesture graciously and replied, "It's only natural that we help each other out. Worry not, Uncle."

"If it's you, I can relax, I guess." After realizing Ye Yang's capabilities, Huang Guohua's worries faded away. Since it was a matter belonging to the younger generation, as an elder, he decided it was best for him to not get involved. "Well then, think it's time I leave Riverside."

Ye Yang was surprised at how quickly Huang Guohua was leaving. "You don't have to be in such a hurry, at least have something to eat."

Huang Guohua waved at him. "That's alright. I have another dinner date to attend so you don't have to worry about me."

Huang Ruobing and Huang Xudong were surprised by how soon their father was leaving. Huang Xudong was used to his father's fiery temper so he couldn't help but ask Ye Yang in a confused tone, "What did you say to my dad? He never lets things go so easily."

Huang Ruobing shifted her gaze to Ye Yang, she didn't expect this outcome as well. Ye Yang smiled and said, "It's nothing. Uncle was a very reasonable man. Loved talking to him."

'Don't you think I know my own father?'

Huang Xudong was screaming on the inside. Then, with his remarkable sensitivity, he realized something. "You're really something else, aren't you? How did you win my father's approval? When my dad left, he didn't mention anything about you or my sister."

This meant that Huang Guohua has acquiesced Ye Yang and Huang Ruobing's relationship.

Huang Ruobing never anticipated such a smooth success. If she had still been a little doubtful before, she now believed that her engagement with He Dong might actually be called off with Ye Yang's assistance.

Ye Yang responded with a wordless smile. He felt that it was better to keep the contents of his conversation with Huang Guohua a secret from the siblings.

"Alright, let's continue eating." The only person who was big-hearted here was Huang Xudong. The food on the table had gone completely cold so he ordered some new dishes and got the waiter to remove the cold ones. "I'm so hungry. I didn't have much to eat just now. Since the old man is gone, we can finally enjoy our meal."

Ye Yang smiled at Huang Xudong and then urged Huang Ruobing to take a seat.

Had it not been for Ye Yang's car accident today, they would not have been having dinner here together. Hence, it was inevitable that the topic re-surfaced. A  shocked expression was evident on Huang Xudong's face as he watched the surveillance video of the mind-blowing accident. He was surprised that Ye Yang was even able to escape from such a perilous situation.

"Do you want a bodyguard?" After considering it for the longest time, Huang Xudong asked Ye Yang. "Brother Ye Yang, it's a very dangerous time for you right now, why don't we get you some bodyguards? At least it's one way to deal with things."

Despite what he said, Huang Xudong had other intentions. A part of the reason why he was so eager about this proposition was that he'd able to get men to spy on Ye Yang's every movement.

Ye Yang naturally knew what Huang Xudong was plotting. However, he wasn't irked because he knew that Huang Xudong was genuinely concerned about his safety. Even if it was mingled with different intentions, it wasn't anything bad, not entirely at least.

"That's okay, being on guard the whole time won't solve the problem." Ye Yang didn't even seem to consider the offer. With a precious treasure like the Kunlun Mirror, he would never let himself get killed so easily.

Soon, the newly ordered dishes were served. The trio had an enjoyable dinner, and after that, Ye Yang sent Huang Ruobing back to the mansion before leaving.

"You're not staying?" Huang Ruobing was surprised to see Ye Yang about to leave. But after that, she immediately realized how ambiguous her question sounded and she slightly regretted it.

Ye Yang naturally understood the double-meaning behind her words. He took the opportunity to tease her, "Were you hoping that I'd stay?"

Huang Ruobing couldn't take such ridicule and answered in annoyance, "Do as you please."

Realizing that Huang Ruobing was angry, Ye Yang felt even more amused. "Alright, I'll stop teasing you. You're not very good with jokes, are you? Us living together right now won't be a good thing for you."

Huang Ruobing sighed, understanding what Ye Yang meant to say. Regardless of the motive behind today's accident, He Dong would never forgive Ye Yang so easily. But if Ye Yang stayed by her side, He Dong would at least be forced to consider the consequences of his actions.

Ye Yang was aware of Huang Ruobing's intentions as well but he felt that he shouldn't simply accept her goodwill. "I know that you're making the offer for my sake, but I don't want to bring you any trouble. Also, I have something to take care of and this might end up disturbing you."

Knowing that he had his own principles and his persistence in sticking to his plans, Huang Ruobing gave up trying to persuade Ye Yang to stay with her. Ye Yang would never change his mind so readily because of a simple request from her. 

And so, Ye Yang returned to his residence.

Meanwhile, Su Muxue who hadn't heard from Ye Yang for quite a while began feeling anxious. She wanted to send him a text message but when she took out her phone, she realized that she didn't have his number.

She couldn't help but feel annoyed. "D*mn it, why didn't I save something as simple as that?"

However, Su Muxue could wait no more. She touched up her makeup slightly, put on lipstick, and grabbed a jacket before leaving her house in high heels.

Thankfully she knew where Ye Yang lived so she could use the dumbest, yet the most fool-proof idea, which was to wait for him outside his home. While engrossed by her thoughts, the exhaust of her car spat out a cloud of white smoke before the car disappeared into the distance.