What he saw was a message sent from Unknown Dummy and the message was "No need to feel cringe in my messages i am a woman and also your classmate." There is a flying kiss emoji at the end of the message.
Xiao Fan was shocked of course because he didn't even talk or even try to be famous inside the class, so having a woman secretly searching for his account was kinda awkward because no one would be too excited to find out that you have a stalker.
Xiao Fan didn't reply with harsh words like "Stop bothering etc."
Because if you say something harsh to someone who didn't hurt you at all, then you are actually so pathetic.
Xiao Fan replied with calm words saying "Ohh, i didn't expect to have someone like you to search for me."
He closed the facebook account and didn't reply anymore after all he needs to wake up tomorrow and attend his class.
When he woke up early in the morning as usual he did a normal student would do.
He came to the class at the same time as always not bothering to be late or even playing computer games for the whole day and ignoring his studies.
But this time it was different because he can still remember those words left behind by someone from his class and this is a woman after all.
He tried to divide his attention and tried to find a woman who will surely stare at him because he still didn't bother to reply or even open his facebook messages even for a little bit of time to care for this woman.
He didn't succeed because this woman seems to be trying to hide her presence and didn't even look at him for the entire class.
The whole session ended and it is finally time to go home, just like as always he left the class after saying goodbye to his new friends who played with him.
While walking back home he felt someone was following his presence.
He can feel those pair of eyes watching him walking slowly in the side of the road.
But every time he tried to look back he can't even find someone at all.
He tried trapping this person to come out so he immediately turns left not even walking straight to his house and he even patiently waited for this person to turn left also.
As expected this stalker seems to be professional because this person didn't fell for this simple trick.
And this person seems to know his address but he didn't even say his address when they did introduction inside the class.
Feeling a sense of failure he decided to do something crazier this time and that was to use a skill that he knew all this time.
And this skill is to Run with everything you have.
He ran all the way near to his house but the feeling didn't left.
He look behind and saw something that made him fall to the ground.
Because there is a person who was just behind him all this time and this woman can actually run without a sound.
Also the way she ran all this time seems to be a jogging for her.
He fell and roll a little bit on the ground, he also raised his head to stare on this woman in front of him.
While trying to remove the dust and even trying to hide this pain from falling down while running so fast.
This woman didn't even say a word and just looked at him with tender and care in her eyes.
It seems to be that she wants to help him but she didn't do so because something seems to be stopping her from doing so.
It can be either because she felt guilty, it can also be because she felt that she might scare him if she did.
Xiao Fan stood up without being shy he started dusting everything and fixed his clothes and said "Uhm, who are you? what can i do for you? i am sorry to be surprised earlier this is just normal because i thought you are a ghost."
The girl replied with a cute and soft voice saying "Hi, i am sorry but i am Su Li i am the one who sent a message to you in your facebook account i hope you didn't mind it."
Seeing her smiling and hearing her cute voice he can feel something relaxing to his body.
It was like everything seems to be normal and didn't even bother him at all.