3 Heading Out

Another six months passed with nothing major really happening in the sect. Hao Ren would sometimes visit Elder Li or head out to know what's happening in their region.

In this six months time Hao Ren hasn't still heard from his father and was starting to get worried. His father has been gone now for two years and if not for the token which was with him he would've also thought his father had already met with an accident.

The Sect Leader has still not come out of seclusion yet but it won't be long. Hao Ren estimated that within this month the Sect Leader will make a breakthrough, then after seeing the Sect Leader he'll be on his way.

Hao Ren was in his courtyard sitting on a rattan chair when Elder Li's disciple Xu Que came into his courtyard.

"Greetings Junior Brother Ren" Xu Que said while cupping his fist towards Hao Ren

"Greetings Elder Brother Que, what brings you here today?" asked Hao Ren while returning Xu Que's greeting

"Brother Ren I have something to tell you. I heard that some hunters saw a Silverwing Earthspirit Fruit in the Nether Forest" said Xu Que

"Really" said Hao Ren

"Yes, I'll be going so I decided it'll be good if you tag along since you've been holed up in the sect all this while" replied Xu Que

"That's really great, if I can get a Silverwing Earthspirit Fruit it might be able to help me out of my current situation. When will you be leaving?" asked Hao Ren

"The hunters came back yesterday so I was thinking of heading out tomorrow" replied Xu Que

"Okay, I'll definitely go. I'll prepare myself for the journey" said Hao Ren

"So what part of the forest did they see it and how come they didn't take it for themselves after seeing it?" asked Hao Ren

"It's said that the fruit is currently being protected by a giant snake. The level of the snake is higher than theirs so they didn't dare to get close to it" replied Xu Que

"Okay, what's the cultivation level of the hunters?" asked Hao Ren

"They're around Qi Gathering Stage Five. We're hoping to use numbers to wear down the snake since it's only one. Then after killing it will decide on how to share it" said Xu Que

"There is usually more than one fruit when ever it grows. How many disciples are you planning on going with?" asked Hao Ren

"I'll be going with four others, including you that makes us six. I heard Wu Chen will also be going in search of the fruit" replied Xu Que

"Okay then. I'll go visit Elder Li before I head out. But I don't think I'll be going with you though, this journey will take quite some time and I have some things to check on before returning" said Hao Ren

"Okay" said Xu Que, he suspected this will be his reply since Hao Ren has always liked doing things alone but still thought he should try

Since Hao Ren has already decided on going he didn't delay any longer and went straight to Elder Li's courtyard

"Xu Que told me he was going to invite you to join his party. Will you be going together with them?" Elder Li asked after seeing Hao Ren enter his courtyard

"No, I'll be going alone. I came to inform you since I'll probably spend some time there training" replied Hao Ren

"Sign, I knew you'd want to go alone. When will you be leaving?" said Elder Li

"Immediately" replied Hao Ren

"I plan on going sooner since a lot of people will also be going. I plan to use the opportunity to also train. So I'll be out for almost a month" said Hao Ren

"Okay, will you be needing anything?" asked Elder Li

"Not really, I have everything I need for the journey. After I return I'll be leaving the sect, hopefully my journey will be fruitful" Hao Ren said

"Okay take this. It'll help you on the journey. I know you're used to fighting with your hands but you know a weapon gives you a longer attack range" Elder Li said while taking out his sword from his storage pouch

"Thank you, though I'm not really good with a sword, I still know the basic way of using it. It'll be helpful in times of danger" said Hao Ren after keeping the sword

Hao Ren left Elder Li's courtyard and immediately went to his own courtyard, arranged everything and left immediately.

After leaving the sect, Hao Ren first went to locate the hunters to get a clearer understanding of where they saw the fruit and also an average estimate of the beast guarding it

After entering the town, he found someone and asked of the place the hunters stay and immediately went over to meet them. Luckily he asked Xu Que of the names of the hunters and since they were pretty well known in the town it wasn't hard to find out where they live.

When he got to their house, they were not home. He asked around a bit before finding out they went to a restaurant to get a meal. He found them eating and approached them to get a detailed description about everything.

After meeting up with them, he paid for their meal and was then given a much detailed description than what he expected. From what the hunters said the fruit will fully mature in another ten days and the beast guarding it is most likely at the Qi Gathering Stage Seven.

'Sigh, if I were still at the Qi Gathering Stage Six It'd be easier handling this beast, though beast are usually stronger than humans in the same stage it shouldn't have been much of an issue for me. At least I'd be very confident in escaping' thought Hao Ren

Without wasting anymore time, Hao Ren left the town and started heading towards the path leading to the Nether Forest with full speed.

'At least I'm a day ahead of everyone in the sect who plans on searching for the Silverwing Earthspirit Fruit. Between now and night fall I should've gotten to the forest' thought Hao Ren

When Hao Ren got the forest it was already night time. Hao Ren decided to set up a fire to keep himself warm.

'It's still remaining ten days before the fruits mature so I will have to go out for some battle experience for some days and I also need a better plan to help me in getting the fruits, one fruit should be enough to heal me but getting two isn't bad also'

Before Hao Ren could try to get some rest He heard a roar coming from his left direction not too far from where he camped, when Hao Ren turned his head to look at the direction he saw an Ape double the size of a grownup man which was almost four meters tall with dark brown hairs all over its body. The Ape was at the peak stage of Qi Gathering Stage Four level. When Hao Ren saw the Ape, he was not worried because he can easily take care of it.

"I should hurry up and kill this Ape before it attracts some other beasts to this place" said Hao Ren

Without wasting anytime Hao Ren brought out the sword given to him by Elder Li and started doing some basic sword skill in less than ten minutes Hao Ren had defeated the Ape and ended it's life.

'Although this beast core is not that important to me, it'll still be useful in the sect. I'll take it back to the Sect then and exchange it for some things. This Ape meat isn't too bad also I'll keep some for later' He cut open the head of the beast and took out a blood red looking core

'I should be leaving this place, the blood of this beast might attract a lot of beast here, if a much stronger beast comes it'll be somewhat troublesome' Hao Ren left that area moving deeper into forest. He found a tree in the deeper part of the forest and decided to climb to the top of the tree to sleep for the night. The night went by uneventful.

In the morning, Hao Ren woke up and climbed down the tree. He roasted some of the Ape meat he had collected after the battle to eat. Hao Ren finished eating and headed deeper into the forest. Hao Ren resumed his training fighting one beast after another. Five days later Hao Ren went to a mountain close to middle of the forest where the Silverwing Earthspirit Fruit was located to survey the area

'There's five days left before the fruits mature, the people from the sect should not be there yet. He looked through area and planned on where to hide

Hao Ren shook his head 'I don't know if it's going to work out, but I'd stay and wait for all of them to fight against each other and once they are distracted I will use the opportunity to collect the fruits, I will go back and resume my training and once there's only two days left I'll come back to this place'

Hao Ren left the mountain and resumed his training, he fought a Python at the Qi Gathering Stage Six and managed to come out victorious. Two days went by in the blink of an eye. After Hao Ren left that area he saw a Wolf and her cub walking in the forest unfortunately for the wolf cub it was heading directly into a trap, the mother of the cub reacted fast and was able to push the cub away from it. The mother wolf was unlucky as she was then caught by the trap in the process of saving her cub. Upon seeing the love between the wolf and it's cub Hao Ren felt touched and recalled the way his father used to take care of him.

Hao Ren went over to where the Wolf was caught in a trap, he looked at the wolf and it's cub and said "Don't worry, I want to help I won't hurt you"

He reached out and released the wolf from the trap. The mother wolf and it's cub were reunited, the mother wolf gazed at Hao Ren with eyes of gratitude before leaving the area with her cub.

Hao Ren continued his journey after this also