
Bernadette looked at the clock again and packed her stuff. It was already 8 p.m. and she wanted to rush home and, perhaps, sleep earlier to avoid Tracy. She had slept for most part of the day as she had very little sleep last night. She woke up late and had to rush over quickly. She took a deep breath and grabbed her stubborn messy hair which refused to stick to her head.

Today had been very hectic, coupled with the news of the murder, she felt the pinch. She felt sorry for the girl. The gruesome technique used by the "exorcist" always left one's mind buzzing with fear. She checked her wrist watch again, 8:24 p.m. she had already left the police building and had unconsciously walked over 45 metres. She quickened her pace as she tried to hurry home. She liked trekking and seldom took cabs, but tonight it seemed like an uphill task for her to walk across the street. She felt insecure!

True, she was a police officer but that alone didn't quell her anxiety. She felt like the "exorcist" would pounce on her at any moment, tearing her to shreds.

She shook away the oppressive feelings. How could the "exorcist" attack her on this busy walkway? He always killed his victims in a secluded area; furthermore, she was a trained policewoman with good combat abilities. She could at least hold her own against the psychopath if he attacked her.

With this thought in mind, she finally calmed her racing heart. She passed by a 24-hour shop, some people were dancing to the loud music blaring from the shop. Although, this could be considered noise, who cared anymore so far as they had something to keep them awake and in groups to avoid attacks? She walked past the shop and went through an alley way, coming through the bus station. She started reflecting on her morning as she reached her house.

Tracy, her step-mom, had been at it again. She had an argument with her and because of that she was only able to sleep late. She had to endure her, after all her father had put everything under her name. Up till now, she still found it difficult to believe that her own father willed all his assets to his second wife leaving her with nothing. He willed the house to Tracy causing her to live like a fugitive in her own father's house.

She reined in her thoughts as she stood outside the door. She opened it with her spare keys and went straight to her room. Once there, she took off her clothes. She already changed out of her uniform before leaving the office. She went straight to the bathroom and soaked herself in the warm water.

Refreshing! She felt like a fish that had been returned to the ocean. Her body relaxed and she closed her eyes enjoying the feeling.


After bathing, Bernadette went downstairs and surprisingly she didn't find Tracy anywhere in the house. She was sure she wasn't in because she would've been the first to welcome her back with insults. She, however, found her younger brother watching cartoons in his room.

"Mom!" Little Walter shot like a rocket and ran into Bernadette's embrace. She stroked his short hair for a while.

"Have you had dinner?" She asked leading him back to the bed where he was sitting earlier to play.

"Hmhm, Tracy made some stir fried noodles," he would only dare call Tracy by her name when he was sure she wasn't around, Tracy had constantly warned him to call her mother, but little Walter only obeyed grudgingly. He would instead call Bernadette mommy. This was understandable as she, Bernadette, was the only mother figure he had since he was three months old. Their mom passed away when he was born. Bernadette wasn't sure of the details, she only knew that much and that was what her dad said.

Walter was the only reason she chose to stay in this house, gulping all the insults and misgivings of Tracy. Her father had also handed over Walter's custody to Tracy, at least until he was 18, but he was only 7 and Bernadette felt that leaving him with Tracy would not be a good idea. She decided to stay back and keep watch over him, as long as she wasn't thrown out, till she could fight for his legal custody.

"Really? And where's she now?" Bernadette asked Walter who was resting his head on her laps.

"She went out a while ago." The boy yawned feeling sleepy already.

She soon left Walter to sleep. She came out of his room hoping to sneak back into hers to avoid Tracy only to be met with that shrill, anguish instilling voice of her step mom.

"I see you sneaked in again, huh?" She said with an emotionless tone.

Bernadette stopped, folding her hands into fists; she turned to face her with a quirky smile.

"What do you want?" She asked folding her hands across her chest.

"It really bothers me a lot that you would go out so late in the name of being a police. Sleeping around, you slut!" This one was unexpected, but Bernadette still maintained her calm expression.

"It's my life, Tracy, and I live it the way I want." She said and added, "besides, I think we know who the real slut is in this house, don't we?"

She was hinting to her step mom that she had more reasons to be called a slut given her past as her father's mistress.

"I see, don't forget you are living in my house!" She bellowed.

"Oh, I don't dare forget that, and I also don't forget that my father built this house." She retorted sarcastically. She didn't like bantering with Tracy but tonight she felt rejuvenated, maybe due to the warm bath she took, she wasn't sure.

"A father who hated must really be proud of yourself."

This last statement struck Bernadette like lightening. She wiped her face slowly and turned to go towards her room.

"Goodnight, Tracy." She voiced out as she walked away. It was true that her father never liked her that much. To be general, he disliked her for being a girl in the first place. He disliked her for joining the force. He disliked her for not going to business school in order to work in his company which was now handled by her step mom, although she hadn't taken any initiative to fully take over the company. She was well aware of her father's hate, but one thing she couldn't understand was why he remarried when he finally got the precious child he wanted? Why did he have to cheat with Tracy? Why didn't he include her in his will? Her mind kept burgeoning with questions which she had no answers for and unknowingly, drops of tears rolled down her cheeks as she slammed the door to her room shut!