
The sun rose earlier today. It's golden Ray's penetrated the foggy air in Haston city if to declare its dominance. The rays of light shone into the floor to ceiling window, causing Bryan to crunch up his eyebrows. He flipped over his side and lay motionless. Shortly after, his alarm, which was set for 7:00 a.m., went off. He groaned and slapped the alarm turning it off before rolling out of bed.

He took his phone from the bedside table and swiped at the screen. He wasn't expecting any calls or messages but he really wished his colleagues from Wakeville would take the initiative to contact him. Ever since he came here, it seemed like he had been isolated from them, yet he made sure not to call them; he didn't want to appear home sick.

Bryan first of all ran through his entire schedule for the day. He would be attending the funeral of Miss Angelina at the cemetery. He wasn't actually invited but he felt the need to attend, or just hang around the area, in order to show his sympathy and mostly, to have an audience with ma'am Janet.

Next, he would go through some records for the murder cases. Although most of the victims didn't have major 'enemies' it still didn't prove that they didn't have someone whom they had offended, and even if they did have a conflict, it didn't prove that the person was a suspect. Besides, if a single person offended someone and it resulted in murder, what of the other victims? Did they also offend the same person simultaneously? It wasn't logical!

He still had to find a new house to stay in temporarily. He didn't feel safe staying at Sapphire hotels. What he planned to do was still have his name registered here, then rent a house a bit far from here, this would confuse anyone who tried to track his residence. Of course he would still come here once in a while. It was a win-win for him.

He got ready and went down in the elevator that took like forever to come up. Outside, he took his sport bike and sped off.

Once at the office, he told Bruce about his plan to attend the funeral and he also agreed to come along, Jason also tagged along. On their way out, he met Regina who sat at her desk with her hand under her chin for support; she still had a backlash from yesterday's alcohol. Bryan looked around but failed to find Bernadette. She hasn't arrived yet? She must have had it worse, she was completely washed out. Thankfully, the Chief understood the situation and would probably let her take the night duty today.


The funeral was held at The Final Rest Cemetery. This name sounded funny for the most part but it had grown into a renowned cemetery where, mostly, people who were murdered or committed suicide were buried. It was believed that these people died in agony and being buried here would grant them final rest. There was a lot of history and myth behind this place.

Bryan and his company joined the group of people who were gathered around the grave side. Some were crying, while some comforted those who cried. Today ma'am Janet wasn't crying. Her face was solemn as if she had a plan in mind. Bryan listened as the priest exhorted those gathered about life, death and the eventual rest. He prayed as well. After the brief prayers, some family members dropped flowers into the grave and watched as it was covered up.

Bryan looked over at Jason and Bruce and realised that the two had similar sad expression on their faces. Jason looked more melancholic as he occasionally stroked his temple.

Soon, the area was almost empty with only few people loitering about as well as others who had come to visit their loved one's grave. The trio found a spot under a tree which provided shade. The sun shone today like it was taking revenge on the cold for all those days it had been supressed.

"You came for the funeral?" They turned to the source of the voice and found a young man with a woman. It was none other than ma'am Janet.

"We just stopped by." Bruce replied plunging his hand into his side pocket.

"I appreciate that you came to bid my child final rest. Not all police would." She said solemnly. Bruce nodded.

"I want you to be rest assured that we'll do everything possible to find her killer." Bryan assured.

"I'll hold you to that." The young man, Toby casually threw in. He was the man who had wanted to marry the deceased.

"You still need to ask me some questions?" She asked her face loosening up for the first time in the day.

"Yes. We'd like to know some few things; this might help us figure out what happened." Bruce explained. Jason, who had been quiet all along, just stood there like a stone statue; his eyes unfocused. It was a mystery what was on his mind.

"Then I will answer them as best as I can. The day after tomorrow, come to my house and I'll tell you everything," she clutched the purse she was holding and threw a glance at Toby, "he'll be there as well."

Toby nodded to show that he was in agreement to the interview.

"Thanks, ma'am Janet." Bruce felt like giving a little bow as he felt that his sincerity would be seen as a facade.

After they left, the trio returned to the station and resumed their respective routine. Bryan looked forward to the meeting with ma'am Janet. Hopefully it should help clear up a few things.