Make Her Forget

Today is a beautiful day!

Maria stretched as she got out of bed. She had an abnormally good sleep last night. And she woke up without a spasm.

She went out of her room and entered the wash room beside her room. Today, her brother had promised to allow her work at the Friendly Cafe.

After washing up, she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She felt all warm and fuzzy that she would be outdoors today doing something fun, rather than sit at home, all alone, doing nothing. The boredom was killing her.

She hasn't remembered anything yet and she still had a few memory lapses here and there but it wasn't as severe as it was before she met Dr Adama.

She sang a song she could easily remember as she broke the eggs to make some omelet.

After breakfast, Frederick locked the doors and they walked down the street hand in hand.

Frederick was always overprotective of her and she liked that he always pampered her, though she felt her freedom was taken; she couldn't even stay with a boy because Fred would get angry.

She dismissed the thought and believed that when she was ready to actually have a boyfriend, Fred won't object.

Personally, she knew he was protecting her feelings. It would be bad to date a boy you would barely remember his birthday the next day. She'd rather wait.

They soon arrived at the Friendly Cafe. Some few people were already there and the workers had gotten to work. Today was a bit chilly so hot coffee was a go for most people.

"Want some coffee?" Fred asked when they sat down at one of the tables. She said hi to a few workers as they passed by their seat.

"If you make me one!" She smiled cheekily.

"Do I always have to make you tea?" Fred asked throwing his hands up playfully.

"Yep. You make great coffee." She said with a cute expression.

"Seriously, don't give me that puppy eyes, I can't stand it!" Fred leaned over and stroked her cheek before leaving to bring her a cup of coffee.

"Thank you!" She beamed when she received the cup of steaming coffee.

"You're the best bro." She sipped the coffee like it was just not hot.

Fred stared at her with an infatuated expression making her choke. After a fit of coughing, she asked with a red face;

"What? Are you crushing on me again?"

Fred shook his head in amusement and spoke, "you wish, I just love teasing you."

"Good point. Right, I've never seen you with a girl before. Tell me."

"Tell you what?" Fred arched an eyebrow at her as he wondered what she would drive at.

"Are you gay?" She smiled enthusiastically as if him being gay would make her day.

"What? Where did you get that?" Fred had a panicked expression as he shook his hands in front of him.

"Then how come you don't have a girlfriend?"

"Is it Ben? Tell me already!" She clapped excitedly waiting for an answer.

"No it's not. And also, you might have seen me with a girl but didn't remember afterwards, plus, you're always at home." Fred explained patiently and watched as Maria's smile dropped bit by bit.

How could she forget something like this?

And thanks bro, for rubbing it in.

"Look, don't worry too much. I have a special person in my heart. You'll meet HER soon." He stressed that it was a female.

She's so special that I can't bear to let other guys near her...

He added inwardly.

After chatting for a while, Fred told her he had to meet with a client somewhere and asked her to take over the Cafe while he was gone.

He hugged and kissed her goodbye. Although, due to a slight movement from Maria, he accidentally kissed her on the lips. He looked awkwardly at Maria, who was beaming with smiles and didn't even seem to mind.


As he walked down the street, he couldn't help but feel bad about himself. He had lied about going to meet a client; he was in fact heading to Dr Adama's clinic.

He was worried about his sister and didn't want to see her get hurt or lose herself. He had to watch her struggle every day to adjust to her state.

She would wake up sometimes and not remember what happened the previous day and he found that to be harsh on her.

When he met the doctor, he didn't say anything immediately.

"So, how may I help you Mr Mucker?" The doctor asked as she didn't expect his visit.

"My sister..." He paused and took a deep breath.

"What? Did something happen to her?" Dr Adama asked worriedly.

"No. I want you to help me with something." He said firmly.

"Okay, if it is within my capabilities." The doctor gave a slow consent.

"I want you to make her forget everything."

"Excuse me?" She asked alarmed. That was the most absurd thing she has heard in a long time.

"I mean, don't make her remember her past. It's very painful to let her remember all the things that happened." He explained himself.

"It is normal for the subconscious to block out some ugly memories which might leave us in a trauma, but don't you think it is equally hard for her to live like a half person? With only her present?"

"I am in the right position to know all those. However, I didn't ask you to not trigger her memories, I ordered you not to." Fred's eyes turned sinister as he spoke domineeringly.

"Are you threatening me?" Dr Adama took off her contact lenses and asked looking him straight in the eyes.

"Maybe. But you have to remember that I could end your career anytime. You seem to forget what you did some years ago, huh?"

"Make her forget the past, don't try to trigger those painful memories." He said seeing that the doctor was silent in thought. He stormed out of the office.

The doctor felt suspicious as she thought about what he had just said.

She remembered that the cause of Maria's amnesia was a traumatic experience, now that she thought of it, could Fred be directly involved with what happened?

The doctor smiled and determined that she would trigger those memories, no matter what.