Buying Coffee

In the afternoon, Bryan and Bernadette left for lunch. He was buying her coffee today to fulfill his two weeks of buying coffee punishment.

Over the past few days, they would have lunch outside the station. Bryan had wanted to make her coffee at the coffee area in the station but she refused saying that the coffee there was free.

As they walked along the street, Bryan was mostly silent. He still felt unsettled by the discussion he had had with the Chief earlier this morning. He felt that he was taking this case for granted and was waiting for the killer to strike again. This very thought provoked suspicion in Bryan's mind.

They soon arrived at the coffee shop and ordered a cup of coffee each.

"The coffee here is so good, I could drink a bucket!" Bernadette remarked. Bryan only nodded since he didn't like coffee too much.

After the coffee, they decided to get lunch. Thankfully, this coffee shop had an area where they sold food, thus, they didn't need to go to another place.

Bernadette hummed as she flipped through the menu. Bryan laughed inwardly when she flipped to the end and started flipping again; she doesn't know what to choose? As expected of a foodie.

"You haven't decided yet?" Bryan asked after waiting for over five minutes.

"I haven't found something I like." She frowned and passed the menu over to Bryan, "you decide."

Such a nice excuse...

"How about, chicken soup?" Bryan asked.

"No way!" She could still remember the taste of her brother's chicken soup and how she had to suffer from pepper torture.

"I remember you mentioned that as one of your favorites." Bryan said casually and flipped over the menu.

"I just have a different taste today." Is this how I'm going to be allergic to this dish? She asked herself.

"Then you should have salad and green beans." Bryan decided on that.

"Hey, I'm not a vegetarian you know? And what do you mean by salad and green beans?" Bernadette protested, she knew that such dishes didn't exist in the menu.

"Okay. Fine. What are you ordering?" Bryan put back the menu on the table.

When it came to food, Bryan didn't have much experience; after all he lived in a place where dishes all had the same name- food!

They finally ordered something. Bryan ordered spaghetti with meat balls while Bernadette went for braised pork....lots of braised pork...

Bryan started to wonder why she hadn't gotten fat from eating like this almost every day.

Bernadette didn't mind eating as a lady. She felt comfortable with Bryan and could easily be herself when they were together.

They talked about random things while eating, occasionally laughing.

"You seem extremely happy today, what's up?" Bryan asked as he noticed that this lady had been all smiles today. He wondered if issues with her step mom had been resolved.

"It's a secret!" She placed her finger to her lips as she said that.

"I see. Sometimes I wonder if you're truly a police officer, you seem too carefree." Bryan mentioned and looked at her pretty face.

"Oh, I'm quite careful, and I could be tough if I want to. I just don't see any reason to be grumpy due to my job." She still had some meat on her plate.

"Aren't you full?" Bryan asked curiously.

"Not at all! I still have some room left!" Bryan was left speechless by reply.

"Well, sometimes, I wish I was a little bit tougher, you know. Not smile all the time, maintain an indifferent attitude and be less of a talkative." Bryan continued on their earlier topic. He admired her for her character; she could be tough when the situation demanded her to be, she could also switch her attitude and be gentle and kind.

It is because of his inability to step up sometimes that caused him so many problems. If only he had had some backbone then, maybe she wouldn't have died; if I had some toughness earlier, maybe I would be able to put my feet down and tell the chief that my decision was final.

"You want to end up like Chief Denise? With a slightly balding head and grumpy attitude?"

Bryan couldn't help but stifle a laugh at her joke. So, that's what you think of your boss?

"But seriously, you are good the way you are. If you try to toughen up by putting on a cold expression, you'll end up driving away your friends.

"And also, being tough doesn't mean not smiling or always making hard calls, it means that you have a strong desire and resolve to be yourself and get things done." Bernadette explained with great seriousness. She didn't even think of the things she was spouting. Did that even make sense?

Deep inside, she didn't want him to change. It was his attitude that made him what he was today, a man that could lift her low spirits.

"It's not as easy as you think!" He muttered softly.

Bernadette could vaguely guess what was going through his mind,

"You are the best you could be, don't let whatever the chief says or does get to you." Bernadette placed a slice of pork meat into his plate. Bryan smiled.

"Remember one thing; if you ever feel someone watching or following you, quickly find an area with more people and don't hesitate to tell me alright?"

Bernadette nodded. She didn't ask why neither did he say why. It appeared they had reached a telepathic agreement.