Contract Renewal

It didn't take too long to arrive at the meeting point. It was at an extension of the company that was handled separately by a few trusted investors and Tracy didn't have access to this part.

She led Walter to the lobby where she handed him over to an assistant at the company.

She took the elevator and went up to the third floor.

Up till now her anxiety wasn't quelled, she still felt nervous.

Why would they call for such a meeting at this time?

She arrived at the Barrister's office and was brought in by his secretary.

"Good day barrister Chen." Tracy greeted first.

"Good day, Mrs Christopher. Have a seat." The stern looking man with gold rimmed glasses gestured for her to sit down.

This barrister had a high level of authority here.

"I believe you know why we're meeting?" Barrister Chen asked casually.

He opened a small cupboard and brought out a file marked "confidential".

"I have no idea." Tracy shook her head.

"Where's the boy?" The barrister didn't spare her a glance as he kept flipping through the document.

"He's here, but I left him at the lobby."

"How old is he?"

"Six, will be seven soon." Tracy was confused by all the questions and she seemed uneasy.

"Good. What does the number 6 imply to you?" Barrister Chen looked up at her.

"I don't understand…"

"It means the contract has expired."

Tracy crunched up her face when she heard the words. Expired?

Wasn't it permanent?

"I don't still understand."

"Six years ago we handed custody of the child to you and now your legal rights have expired." He explained as clearly as he could.

"Wasn't it permanent?" Tracy asked with a frantic look.

"You didn't read the contract terms, did you?"

"No. I handed them over to the other representative." Tracy replied.

Barrister Chen tapped the edge of the table with his index finger as if he was in thought. He found it very ironical that someone as careful as Tracy would make such a mistake of not reading the terms of a contract carefully before signing.

"It wasn't permanent. You need to renew the contract every six years otherwise his custody will be taken."

Tracy felt her heart beat faster. She couldn't bear the thought of parting with Walter.

"But he's doing well in my custody, besides, Christopher's will stated clearly that he was under my guidance!" Tracy flared up a bit. How dare they want to go against her husband's will?

"So you know what Christopher's will stated?" Barrister Chen asked mockingly, "then I presume you also know about the clause he added?"

"He signed over all his property to me!" Tracy was firm.

"He signed over all his assets, landed properties, company shares and funds to you only temporarily. You know who the real owner is right?"

Barrister Chen asked raising an eyebrow.

"It belongs to my son! The will stated that until he turns 18, I have the authority to handle all his property the way I want."

"The way you want?" Barrister Chen laughed, "Let me make this clear to you, his custody was given to you and it can also be taken and all the shares can be transferred to a suitable person. Christopher's will states that as long as Walter is below 18, you could handle his properties but not use them.

"Also, do I need to remind you of what happened to your husband? Do you wish to end up like him?"

"I don't." Tracy recalled the events that led to her husband's death. No one would want such a fate.

"Then you will cooperate."

"You're not my husband's lawyer, that will was drafted by…"

"I may not be your husband's lawyer, but I'm the representative of the Organisation and we see fit to twist your husband's will."

Barrister Chen smiled mischievously.

Tracy didn't know what to say again. It was that simple?

"One more thing," the barrister added, "how's the girl?"

"Bernadette? She's fine." Tracy answered like an automated answer machine.

"Under no circumstances should you send her away or separate her from Walter." It sounded more like a warning than an order.

"I haven't sent her away." Tracy answered absentmindedly.

"Good, we need her for the plan to work. Before Walter inherits the shares, she has a part to play."

Tracy nodded again to show that she understood very well.

After a long period of silence, Tracy finally asked, "what should I do to renew the contract?"

"You want to renew the contract? Why do I feel like you're planning something?" Barrister Chen showed his doubts.

"Maybe I am planning something, but you have to admit that I'm the only one who is capable of taking care of the siblings."

As much as he hated to admit it, it was true. She was the only candidate that could be trusted on the long run but at what cost?

"Fine. Speak to the big boss." Barrister Chen rubbed his chin.

"The big boss?" Tracy asked with a horrified look, "Isn't there another way?"

She didn't want to come face to face with that monster, not like he would ever show up himself. He preferred using proxy.

"I can't help you then. The Organisation is very firm."

"I know you can help, you're one of his representatives." Tracy also had some tricks up her sleeves; there were things she knew that they didn't know about.

"And what will you compensate me with?"

Tracy smiled, "I could offer you money or just," she ran her fingers down her cleavage, "pay in kind…"

Barrister Chen gulped a mouthful of saliva. He had always desired her and now she was offering herself to him?

Tracy went round the table and sat on the barrister's laps. She caressed his chest and kissed his face. She could feel the man reacting to her touch.

"Not here!" Barrister Chen grabbed her hand which was inching closer to his crotch, "wait for me at room 304, just across the corridor."

Goodness! How could she be that attractive?

Is this how she nailed Christopher to her palms and was able to get him to do those things?

Barrister Chen's mind burgeoned with series of questions.

"Then what about the contract?" Tracy asked with all seriousness.

"Here, you can sign it later."

Tracy looked at the contract and smiled inwardly.

You think you have a plan? But I have bigger ones!

She knew just how to get rid of Bernadette and make Walter become who he was meant to be.

She didn't care what arrangements they had made or what her husband had written down, all she knew was that all the properties would never be amalgamated, even if the company was struggling.

Those shares belonged to her husband and now it belongs to her and Walter, even if she had to go against them then she was not afraid.

"I sure will. Then I will talk to my husband's lawyer, he handles the case of this custody."

Step one, sign the contract…

Step two, get rid of Bernadette…

Step three, double cross the Organisation…

Tracy went over the steps in her head slowly with a blossoming smile which barrister Chen took for affection….