Hiring Bodyguards

At the luxurious villa of the Lee family,

Mr Lee sat outside the large swimming pool admiring the sceneries. He has lived here all his life yet he loved admiring the view around the house.

The weather was warm today and the sun shone with full capacity. He had a glass of wine in his hands and would occasionally take a sip from it.

He was treating this as a vacation; it had been so tiring for him the past few days. The deal with Ramon Constructions was supposed to go smoothly but due to some factors it had dragged out.

At first, other investors showed interest in working with them on the project and this made the construction company to raise their demands.

It wasn't a problem for Lee Corporation to throw in a few dollars since the base line demand was more than generous to begin with. The problem lay in the fact that Ramon Constructions wanted to take over the construction project and also get 75% of the profit while maintaining a 30% investment cost.

This meant that Lee Corporation would shoulder majority of the cost and gain too little which was a waste of time and resources.

This was supposed to be a partnership but the construction company seemed more interested in the short term profit than the long term goal of the partnership. The problem was even further exacerbated by the fact that the other competitors were willing to shoulder more than 70% of the cost.

Mr Lee wasn't bothered by this outcome. He had a few guesses regarding the sudden change of terms and the sudden appearance of other investors.

This was the work of the Organisation!

They had never approved of the partnership in the first place and had even sent Senator Raphael to warn him, thus, it didn't surprise him that things turned out like this.

He took another sip of his wine.

He had made up his mind to defy the Organisation by partnering with Ramon Constructions; this was his only means to ensure that his plans worked out well, even if it meant shouldering all the cost and getting no profit in return!

The Organisation was very powerful and no one went against and survived. This was the reason they oppressed and made life difficult for people like him. They could control your whole life and make decisions for you.

After the visit of the senator, Mr Lee had made other plans. The only way to escape the clutches of these people was if he could stir up a storm. A storm that could leave the city in shock and create a new kind of fear among the citizens of Haston city so much so that the Organisation will be forced to retreat a little.

How could he stir up such trouble? What should he do? When should he do it?

All these problems were simple to solve. Thanks to Senator Raphael, a single name kept resonating in his mind day and night.

Detective Bryan Derrick!

The only person who could do it and go unharmed would be him; after all he was a thorn in the flesh and had easily closed down major businesses in Wakeville because of that gang fight he initiated.

Mr Lee curved his lips upwards. He didn't care if innocent people would be hurt; all he cared about was his children. They deserved better than being controlled like robots. In their eyes he was the worst father and he did all the controlling, but what they didn't know is that there's someone else behind the scenes that's pulling the strings.

He didn't know how to get in contact with the detective without attracting the attention of the higher ups or exposing his plans.

As for whether the detective would get hurt in the process, he wasn't too sure but one thing he knew was that this detective, who was famous for ruining people, would escape somehow.

Another thing that puzzled Mr Lee was why this detective always crossed the Organisation without getting hurt; does he have some kind of connections?

Never mind that, focus on the main plan and hope it works out for good.

Oh right, he also had to write down some things just in case he died in the process. He didn't want his children to think the worst of him or keep blaming him for their mother's death. He would write down all the deals he was handling and if possible leave them with something much more interesting.

Mr Lee's thoughts were disturbed by a servant who brought a letter to him.

He looked at the letter which had no address or name on it. There was a single large eye on the envelope.

Mr Lee opened the letter and read it:

"…denial is the way to avoid the consequences of ones actions. Another way is to forcefully take back what doesn't belong to you.

"…you have failed in all areas and you are beyond remedy. I keep thinking about the things you've done before and who you've hurt. I never really thought it meant that much to you until you took my son!

"…now it's time for you to pay back for all the things you've done in the same manner which you've done it. Your family will suffer a slow, painful and horror inducing fate!"

Mr Lee was stunned by the contents of the letter. What is this?

The first time it said 'an eye for an eye' and now…

He looked at the single eye on the envelope again and his tightened.

This couldn't be possible.

He felt an immense fear wash over his whole being and cold sweat formed all over his body.

He feared for his children and what could happen to them. He feared for his life, so many people had their eyes on him already.

He quickly decided to hire bodyguards for his family for a while at least till he could plan out a way to end this madness.

As he was thinking of this threat, an idea formed in his head; a possibility which he had overlooked before.

Indeed this could be a blessing in disguise and he would fully exploit it.

He won't do anything about it and would rather watch as the events played out one by one….