The Young Boy And His Helpful Video

Bryan finally arrived at the station and hurried in. He met Jason at the entrance and followed him in.

"Where have you been man, I've called you for over ten times!" the look on his face didn't change as they took large strides into the building.

"Long story, I informed Bernadette a while ago that I was on my way." He gave an apologetic look. How could he tell him that he had spent the whole night at different spots while making sure that he never fell asleep? How could he also tell him that he had decided to sleep for a while and had ended up sleeping in?

If it was anyone else maybe he would be honest but this was Jason—the master of all unusual remarks! He would make fun of him even in this situation.

"The cars have been found." Jason informed him when they reached the coffee area.

"What's the situation?" Bryan asked. Judging by the tone of his voice, Bryan could tell that it wasn't so simple.