Yellow Girl

The music got louder and louder till Will couldn't even hear himself think. He had lived in a quiet street for a long time that he forgot what actual noise was.

He ate the candies while watching the parade and dancing. The number of people who were in the square couldn't be compared to those parading. Will watched the different groups as they marched forward with their banners.

"Dance with me" wasn't just a festival but was a competition and each group vied for the trophy.

For simplicity, the groups were identified using colours of the spectrum.

Each group would participate in the events for all the three days. The first day was the opening and most of the activities included racing, passing through obstacle courses, puzzle games and the likes.

The second day featured the parade, the trade fair, magic shows, and crafts. The most interesting part of the day, for most locals, was the parade which would last for a whole day.