The Press Conference

8 a.m.

Third day after kidnap.

"…people have been raising concerns over my ability to lead the company over the past three days. Investors have backed out, shareholders have shrunk back and the board of directors have threatened to vote me out…

"…it is with a heavy heart that I hold this press conference today. I would like to apologise for the recent happenings at the company and the fluctuating income, you must know that it is not easy, if not impossible, for a man to concentrate on work when his son has been kidnapped…"

Everyone, including Maria who was watching the press conference live, gasped in fear and surprise. Whispers took over the whole conference room and the journalists moved even closer to get more photos.

"His son was kidnapped? By who?"

"Why would someone kidnap his son?"

"This is terrible; he has too many competitors who want him to lose everything."

"Now that I look at him again, he looks so haggard and worried."