"I Have Been Taken"

Bryan opened the door slowly and walked with large strides towards the fifth door on the left where the study room was supposed to be. He looked around for a while before opening the door.

It seemed like his little time under the bird had paid off. He didn't know if Mr Jeremy was previously in his study but since he had come to take his wife somewhere, it helped him kill two birds with a stone.

He entered the room as stealthily as he could, he had to be very quick to avoid the big guy coming back to find him in here.

The lights were already switched on and it wasn't a problem to look around the room which had a large table at the centre, stacks of books neatly arranged in shelf and some other documents and placed on the table.

His aim, however, was the drawers at the side of the table which was likely to contain the file he was looking for. He quickly went through the top drawer but found only useless documents…at least they were useless to him.