Who The Jerks Were

Bryan didn't sleep for very long, he woke up after he was put on the hospital bed. His wounds were treated and his leg was raised and wrapped up, the pain appeared a little bearable now.

He glanced at the wall clock and discovered that it was only 9 p.m., he looked at the glass window in the room and found three familiar faces standing there.

They were Jason, Chief Denise and Bernadette. They had also followed him to the hospital and were waiting for him to wake up. When they saw him looking at them, they left the glass window and came inside.

"How are you feeling?" the chief asked with concern.

"I'm good, just a few days and I'll be back to normal." He said weakly. He gave the chief his communicator and told him about the conversation he had with the doctor. Bruce was very pleased with him and actually thought that he deserved to be branded 'the best detective' and also felt that he had a knack for taking risks.