"The Organisation"

Bryan wasn't as impatient as before and he sat there, with his hands folded across his chest, listening attentively to what the man had to say.

"At that time the company was barely making profit and it was difficult to pay back the debt," Mr Lee continued, looking lost as he recounted the events. "Furthermore, even if I had the money I wouldn't have been able to buy back the company. My friend said that the loan period was exceeded and he had to take over the company.

"I begged my friend and even offered to work for him if he could only give me more time to pay the debt but he refused. I had no choice but to stand on the side line and watch as he took over my small company and re-named it.

"My father, who was already old, couldn't bear it and he died of a stroke. My poor mother mourned him for so many days and gradually she lost interest in everything and also died. I was left alone, poor and abandoned. I could barely manage a square meal in a day.