The Passionate Kiss

With slow and heavy steps Maria, whose eyes were red from crying, walked away from Ben's house. She still held the bag, which she had placed the cake, in her hand. She glanced at the bag and it brought immense pain to her.

That cake was a reminder of what happened today and she didn't want to carry such burdens. She took the cake and threw it into a dumpster at the corner of the street and walked away.

She wiped her eyes and let the fresh, cold air of the city brush against her face as she strolled along the street. This was like a nightmare and she just wanted to wake up from it and find out that it had been a joke.

Unfortunately, she found that, reality was cruel. It wasn't a dream and it wasn't a joke, it was real and so hurting. Even if she realised that it was a dream, she discovered that it would still deal a heavy mental blow on her and she wouldn't be able to trust anyone else….