Hidden Fortune

After a long silence, Tracy finally regained her senses and calmed her racing mind which had been invaded by countless thoughts in that short period of time. She closed her eyes and heaved a sigh.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked with a choked voice.

"I already told you didn't I?" he avoided answering the question.

"Back when my husband came to you because of the company problems you signed a deal to help him, why aren't you helping now?" she asked calmly, she had lost all colour and will to be angry.

"The deal was that we could only help when Walter turns 18 and fulfils the conditions." The barrister answered.

"I won't use my son as a bargaining chip!" Tracy raised her voice.

"Too bad your husband already did." He sighed and added, "The whole idea of giving you the shares was so that when he turned 18, he would do what he's supposed to do."

"My son is too young…"