What Dad Used To Say...

Maria turned in her bed and groaned as she sat up before falling back into bed again, she didn't feel like getting up or doing anything at all. She lay still for a while and tried to check if she had gotten any of her memories back or she had lost some.

She found that everything was still the same, no new memory and no loss of memory as well. This state actually freaked her out more than the state of constantly losing memory because it seemed like she was unable to do anything.

At least back when she lost memory on daily basis she would have memory fragments from her past and gave her hope that one day she would be able to retrieve her lost memories but now it seemed like she had reached her limit.

She reached out to the bedside table and took her phone and started browsing through her daily routine. Her first routine was to bake twenty cupcakes before going to the coffee shop. She cancelled all the plans and then proceeded to browse the net.