Birth Files

The next morning Bernadette rushed out of the house after giving Walter a small communication device and also telling him what to do.

"If it gets too dangerous just abort the mission." She had warned.

She had gotten the name of the hospital where Tracy had given birth to her child and that was where she was heading to right now.

She took a cab and arrived at the hospital in less than 40 minutes. She wasn't worried about the fact that it was only 6a.m. at the moment, after all hospitals were open 24/7.

She went straight to the maternity section. She wouldn't have gone through this hassle but she had no other choice. The hospital seemed to be old fashioned and didn't upload any information about the patients on their data base.

Either that or they were just being paranoid.

Today she was going to abuse her badge again and also her position as a police officer but there was nothing she could do about it.