Gael's Hideout


The police soon arrived in Crestville and located the small house where Gael had supposedly stayed in.

It didn't look much like a house and rather resembled a fallen tent. It was an old cabin whose roof was almost caving in and the wall were old and the glass windows were mostly shattered.

"Enter through the back and the sides, surround the whole area and if he proves to be too dangerous, shoot him in the legs." Sebastian instructed and the rest of the officers went around the building and cornered it.

Some of them entered through the broken windows while some entered through the front door which was now a piece of scrap.

With their guns and torches aimed into the room, they advanced forward with great caution. All of them were aware of the kind of enemy they were about to face. This was a guy who was able to hide from the police of two cities successfully.