Gael Found

Bryan was also another person who was very busy since the morning. The fall of the eleventh victim meant that he had little time to rest and he also pulled in all his effort to make sure that Gael was found no matter which face he was hiding under.

The closest they had gotten so far was the discovery of his last hideout in Wakeville. Bryan was very impressed when he saw the reports about the secret lair.

It reminded him of the mad doctor, Gerald Neil, who had used humans as lab rats. His labs were filled with corpses and cut flesh of which some were already rotting. The only difference here was that the doctor hadn't targeted poor creatures like rats and also kept his lab clean.

Gael must have gone crazy to really think that he could mimic the killer even up to the way he thought he would write things. He had written so many things about weakness and failure that Bryan would've almost believed that he was the original killer.