He Doesn't Deserve What He Has

Poison. Her father had died of poisoning! She didn't know whether to feel sympathy or to feel glad that that monster of a father had been eradicated from the face of the earth. Somehow she felt sad.

It was a deep feeling at the bottom of her heart that she couldn't express with words. That sadness wasn't for her so called father but for the fact that everything in her life and family seemed to have been arranged by a group of people.

If she hadn't stood her ground then she would've been bundled up and given to some rich entitled person who knew nothing about her. The thought of it made her sick but she held the urge to puke in.

The part that hurt her the most was her mother. How could her father be that inhuman? How could he plan to kill his own wife and child? Who does that?

Bryan gave her the answer as if he read her mind, "the Organisation can turn an angel into the devil and make you do things that you wouldn't do. It turns you into who you're not."