Getting Along Well

Bryan soon arrived at the Christopher mansion and Bernadette welcomed him with a hug and then a slight peck on the lips, Walter was there and she didn't want to go overboard with her PDA.

Bryan looked around the house and nodded in satisfaction. This was the first time he had been here, the previous times Bernadette had objected to his coming. He walked up to Walter and gave him a tap on the forehead.

"How are you secret agent Walter?" Bryan smiled at him. Walter went wide eyed and would've blown the roof off with his excitement.

"You remembered?"

"Of course," Bryan ruffled his hair. "How could I forget the agent that helped me save the world?"

Walter puffed out his chest in joy. "That's right agent uncle!"

Bryan turned to Bernadette and she hid her now red face. She had already warned Walter to not call him that when he came but it seems he didn't listen. She would have to discipline him.