Chicken Soup

Bernadette laid back down for a while till Bryan came back thirty minutes later with a bowl of soup in hand. He brought it to her and gave her a spoon. Bernadette sat up with a smile but then her smile turned upside down immediately as it came.

"What kind of soup did you make?" she asked although she had seen it already.

Bryan gave her an odd look and answered anyway, "I made chicken soup, you should try it…"

"I don't want chicken soup!" she threw the spoon away and folded her arms across her chest. Memories of Walter's chicken soup came back to her mind and she almost puked. Not only did that chicken soup taste weird, it was also too peppery and salty that it gave her nightmares.

She had vowed never to try it again… especially if a man cooked it.

Bryan was stunned and thought that something was wrong, "why don't you want to eat it? I spent so much time to make it, you know?"

She sighed, "I don't eat chicken soup."