Twin Issues 1

Leon walked into the room he shared with his sister only to find her seated on her bed with the tablet that was bought only for their use in hand. She seemed concentrated in the show she was watching to notice his entrance.

Leon went to her side and tapped her shoulder lightly before asking, "Why aren't you studying?"

Dorita nudged her contact lens and glared at him as if he stole her pie, "hello pot, my name is kettle." She retorted sarcastically.

Leon rolled his eyes, "it's unlike you to live a moment without glancing into your textbooks as if your life depended on it."

Dorita ignored him and concentrated more on what she was watching. Leon, feeling helpless, went to his bed and started playing around with his computer game. His next tournament match was in a few days and he needed to be prepared but who said he couldn't rest?