Like She Was Caught Cheating

Bryan brought flowers and another bag containing take outs with him as he entered the Christopher mansion which had now become the Bernadette residence. He had an extra key and didn't want to bother Bernadette so he simply entered the house and headed for her room.

He knocked on her door and waited for a few seconds before the door was opened for him. He kissed her lightly before going in. she looked a little less pale than yesterday and was even smiling radiantly.

"I thought you wouldn't make it," she pouted and closed the door. "I was bored to death."

"I said I would come so I'm here." He handed her the flower and kept the take out on her bed. She took the flowers and sniffed it for a while before putting it in a vase on her table.

"You brought flowers and take outs, what are you planning?" she gave him the raised eye brow.