Specialness Of The Two

Toby looked around and found Janet with a group of women and turned back to Bryan, "that old woman knew of it and had pressured her daughter to leave him for me but she refused. When she finally agreed to leave him she was murdered!"

"Why didn't you tell this to the police the first time?" Bryan asked, his sun glass was recording the whole conversation.

Toby sighed, "Because I was afraid, okay?"

Bryan nodded in understanding. Toby was telling the truth and there was nothing more he could ask him. He nodded again and said, "Like I said your wife is pretty but you should've waited a bit more."

"And you're advising me because?"

"Because of her." he pointed at Janet, "she can ruin you and you know it. I saw it in her eyes."

"She already did." Toby began but then he sighed and said, "She can't do anything anymore."